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Showing posts from May, 2024

Understanding Jacobian Tensor Gradients In Pytorch

I was going through official pytorch tut, where it explains tensor gradients and Jacobian products … Read more Understanding Jacobian Tensor Gradients In Pytorch

Scrapy Works Fine Until Page 12 Of Asp Site, Then 500 Error

My first scraping project with Python/Scrapy. Site is with 78 pages and 20 i… Read more Scrapy Works Fine Until Page 12 Of Asp Site, Then 500 Error

Reading Negative Values From A File In Python

I am trying to read some negative values from a compressed file that has the hex values: FFFFFFFF,… Read more Reading Negative Values From A File In Python

How To Know If A User Has Pressed The Enter Key Using Python

How to know if a user has pressed Enter using Python ? For example : user = raw_input('type in … Read more How To Know If A User Has Pressed The Enter Key Using Python

Followup: Attribute Caching In Superclasses

This is a followup to this question. I have a class which caches an attribute for its subclasses: c… Read more Followup: Attribute Caching In Superclasses

Pandas - Read_csv Scientific Notation Large Number

I am trying to read a csv file with pandas that has some rows in scientific notation. When it reads… Read more Pandas - Read_csv Scientific Notation Large Number

64 Bit System, 8gb Of Ram, A Bit More Than 800mb Of Csv And Reading With Python Gives Memory Error

f = open('data.csv') f_reader = csv.reader(f) raw_data = np.array(list(islice(f_… Read more 64 Bit System, 8gb Of Ram, A Bit More Than 800mb Of Csv And Reading With Python Gives Memory Error

Sys.excepthook -vs- Handled Exceptions

I noticed that exceptions that are handled do not result in a call to sys.excepthook... which makes… Read more Sys.excepthook -vs- Handled Exceptions

How To Chain An Input Layer To Tensorflow-hub?

I want to classify text to 2 classes by using this embedding:… Read more How To Chain An Input Layer To Tensorflow-hub?

Attributeerror: 'tuple' Object Has No Attribute 'encode' - Mysqldb Python

I am writing a Python code with MySQL. My DB schema is as follows: ------------- | id | name | ---… Read more Attributeerror: 'tuple' Object Has No Attribute 'encode' - Mysqldb Python

Trouble Printing A List Within A List

I want to print a list within a list, but not this way: print(myList[1]) I want to be able to sear… Read more Trouble Printing A List Within A List

Is Keyword In Python

When I read 'Learning Python', I'm confused about using the is operator. The book tries… Read more Is Keyword In Python

Python Spell Checker Linear Search

I'm learning Python and one of the labs requires me to import a list of words to serve as a dic… Read more Python Spell Checker Linear Search

Gunicorn Fails When Using Wsgi

I want Gunicorn to talk with TileStache via WSGI. But when I run this command... gunicorn 'Tile… Read more Gunicorn Fails When Using Wsgi

Finding The Elbow Point Of A Curve In A Stable Way?

I am aware of the existence of this, and this on this topic. However, I would like to finalize on a… Read more Finding The Elbow Point Of A Curve In A Stable Way?

Counting All Connected Nodes In Graph

I have a >10k list of (unordered) pairs of numbers. I'd like to classify them into sets of c… Read more Counting All Connected Nodes In Graph

Find The Nearest Point In Distance For All The Points In The Dataset - Python

I have a dataset as follows, Id Latitude longitude 1 25.42 55.47 2 25.39… Read more Find The Nearest Point In Distance For All The Points In The Dataset - Python

Delete Tuples In More Dimensional List If Same

I have a list of tuples namely: [[[('p', 'u'), ('r', 'w')], [('… Read more Delete Tuples In More Dimensional List If Same

Django Form Doesn't Render

Hello and thank you in advance. I have a django form that is not rendering on a template. The … Read more Django Form Doesn't Render

Run Alembic Migrations On Google App Engine

I have a Flask app that uses SQLAlchemy (Flask-SQLAlchemy) and Alembic (Flask-Migrate). The app ru… Read more Run Alembic Migrations On Google App Engine

Efficient Product Of 1d Array And 3d Array Along One Dimension - Numpy

I have two numpy arrays: A 1D array called t of shape (70L,) with element called let s say ti A 3… Read more Efficient Product Of 1d Array And 3d Array Along One Dimension - Numpy

Removing Duplicate Dataframes In A List

I have a list in python that contains duplicate dataframes. The goal is to remove these duplicate d… Read more Removing Duplicate Dataframes In A List

How To Get Wkhtmltopdf Working On Heroku?

I created a website which generates PDF using PDFKIT and I know how to install and setup environmen… Read more How To Get Wkhtmltopdf Working On Heroku?

Do I Need 32bit Libxml2 For Python On Snow Leopard?

i'm having a hell of a time installing scrapy on my sl mbp. it requires libxml2, so i set about… Read more Do I Need 32bit Libxml2 For Python On Snow Leopard?

Why Are Hexadecimal Numbers Automatically Converted To Decimal?

I am working on a little Python method that needs to read a dictionary from another file that will … Read more Why Are Hexadecimal Numbers Automatically Converted To Decimal?

Error: ('im005', "[im005] [unixodbc][driver Manager]driver's Sqlallochandle On Sql_handle_dbc Failed (0) (sqldriverconnect)")

I am running this code in my pyodbc script where I am trying to do parallelism templst = [lineitem,… Read more Error: ('im005', "[im005] [unixodbc][driver Manager]driver's Sqlallochandle On Sql_handle_dbc Failed (0) (sqldriverconnect)")

Can I Execute A Function In "apply" To Pandas Dataframe Asynchronously?

I have a pandas dataframe and on each row, I would like to execute a function. However, the functio… Read more Can I Execute A Function In "apply" To Pandas Dataframe Asynchronously?

Django, Redis: Where To Put Connection-code

I have to query redis on every request in my Django-app. Where can I put the setup/ connection rout… Read more Django, Redis: Where To Put Connection-code

Package Import All Subfiles, But Only Load One From Another Script?

I have created a package with the following file structure: - package - - … Read more Package Import All Subfiles, But Only Load One From Another Script?

Permission Denied: Untitled.ipynb Windows 10 Aws Workspaces

I have installed anaconda Python 2.7 on my AWS workspace with Windows 10 and I launch Jupyter Noteb… Read more Permission Denied: Untitled.ipynb Windows 10 Aws Workspaces

Macro Metrics (recall/f1...) For Multiclass Cnn

I use CNN for image classification on unbalance dataset. I'm totaly new with tensorflow backend… Read more Macro Metrics (recall/f1...) For Multiclass Cnn

How To Connect Mongodb With Python?

I'm calling function with argument value database name. When I print argument other function it… Read more How To Connect Mongodb With Python?

Choosing And Iterating Specific Sub-arrays In Multidimensional Arrays In Python

This is a question that comes from the post here Iterating and selecting a specific array from a mu… Read more Choosing And Iterating Specific Sub-arrays In Multidimensional Arrays In Python

Split Image In N Images, Where N Is The Number Of Colors Appearing On It

I'm trying to split an image depending on the colors it contains. My previous steps have been t… Read more Split Image In N Images, Where N Is The Number Of Colors Appearing On It

Python: Youtube-dl Status After Conversion To Mp3

I'm writing a script to download mp3 songs from web. first i'll be scraping in youtube. if … Read more Python: Youtube-dl Status After Conversion To Mp3

How To Delete Files With A Python Script From A Ftp Server Which Are Older Than 7 Days?

I would like to write a Python script which allows me to delete files from a FTP Server after they … Read more How To Delete Files With A Python Script From A Ftp Server Which Are Older Than 7 Days?

Can Pyarrow Write Multiple Parquet Files To A Folder Like Fastparquet's File_scheme='hive' Option?

I have a multi-million record SQL table that I'm planning to write out to many parquet files in… Read more Can Pyarrow Write Multiple Parquet Files To A Folder Like Fastparquet's File_scheme='hive' Option?

How Do I Insert A Restart Game Option?

I would like to have an option at the end of my dice game which says: Do you want to restart? Yes… Read more How Do I Insert A Restart Game Option?

Is There A Mode Of Python That Traces Each Line Executed, Similar To 'bash -x'?

I am running a python script in crontab that works fine from the command line but appears to not be… Read more Is There A Mode Of Python That Traces Each Line Executed, Similar To 'bash -x'?

Filenotfounderror: [winerror 2] The System Can't Find The Specified File

I'm currently learning how to use the module subprocess and I just started with my new book. In… Read more Filenotfounderror: [winerror 2] The System Can't Find The Specified File

Routing Pages Using Flask And Deploying On Cpanel

Hy I'm new to flask and trying to get my first site up, I have been trying this for a couple of… Read more Routing Pages Using Flask And Deploying On Cpanel

Templatesyntaxerror: Unexpected Char U'\\' At 205 Airflow Macros

I am getting the following error : File ' ', line 1, in template TemplateSyntaxError: unex… Read more Templatesyntaxerror: Unexpected Char U'\\' At 205 Airflow Macros

Generating Two-dimensional Array Of Binaries In Python

So this is what im trying list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement('01', 2)) but this … Read more Generating Two-dimensional Array Of Binaries In Python

Delimiting Carat A In Python

I have data in form: 37101000ssd48800^A1420asd938987^A2011-09-10^A18:47:50.000^A99.00^A1^A0^A 37101… Read more Delimiting Carat A In Python

How To Read A File As It Is Being Written In Real Time With Python 3 And Asyncio, Like "tail -f"

I want to write a Python program on Linux that reads a log file in real time as it is being written… Read more How To Read A File As It Is Being Written In Real Time With Python 3 And Asyncio, Like "tail -f"

Python: Open Outlook Email (.msg) File In Read Write Mode

I want to open Outlook email (msg) file in read and write mode to parse it and alter date values. T… Read more Python: Open Outlook Email (.msg) File In Read Write Mode

Runtimeerror: Dictionary Changed Size During Iteration

This is my code: import os import collections def make_dictionary(train_dir): emails=[os.path… Read more Runtimeerror: Dictionary Changed Size During Iteration

Scale An Image In Gtk

In GTK, how can I scale an image? Right now I load images with PIL and scale them beforehand, but i… Read more Scale An Image In Gtk

Runtimeerror: Underlying C/c++ Object Has Been Deleted When Saving And Afterwards Closing A Pyplot Figure

I ran into a python error that i have been trying to solve for several days now. My program creates… Read more Runtimeerror: Underlying C/c++ Object Has Been Deleted When Saving And Afterwards Closing A Pyplot Figure

Error In Calculating Neural Network Test Accuracy

I tried to train my neural network, and then evaluate it's testing accuracy. I am using the cod… Read more Error In Calculating Neural Network Test Accuracy

Identical Error Codes

I use python 2.4.1 on Linux, and a python package written inside the company I work in, for establi… Read more Identical Error Codes

How To Get The Most Recent Message Of A Channel In

Is there a way to get the most recent message of a specific channel using I looked at t… Read more How To Get The Most Recent Message Of A Channel In

How To Do A Partial Conditioning On A Tag For Find_all() In Bs4?

I have an xml which has multiple tags which look like this: , id = lambda value: value and… Read more How To Do A Partial Conditioning On A Tag For Find_all() In Bs4?

Download Files Using Python 3.4 From Google Patents

I would like to download (using Python 3.4) all (.zip) files on the Google Patent Bulk Download Pag… Read more Download Files Using Python 3.4 From Google Patents

Sorting A List Of Tuples Based On The First Items

How to sort a list of tuples based on the first value i.e, in a dictionary we can use sorted(a.keys… Read more Sorting A List Of Tuples Based On The First Items