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Permission Denied: Untitled.ipynb Windows 10 Aws Workspaces

I have installed anaconda Python 2.7 on my AWS workspace with Windows 10 and I launch Jupyter Notebook from the anaconda command prompt. When I try to create a new notebook, I have

Solution 1:

I'm not using AWS, but maybe this can help:

When I launched

jupyter notebook

from the anaconda command prompt, while starting up one of the first lines in the log in that command prompt window said:

[I <sometimestamp> NotebookApp] Serving notebooks fromlocal directory: C:\

Unfortunately, I don't have permissions to write into the C:\ directory.

So I generated a configuration file

jupyter notebook --generate-config

that ended up as in



jupyter --paths

to see which directories your Jupyter on AWS is searching for config files.

Finally, in that config file there is a line you can comment out and point to the directory that should contain your notebooks (and kernels):

## The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.#c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = ''

Of course, make sure the directory that you mention on that line is actually (created and) writeable by you.

Solution 2:

You should just need to ensure that you (or more specifically the user running the program) has write-permissions on the folder where the new file Untitled.ipynb is being created. See this page on changing Windows 10 folder permissions for details.

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