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Showing posts from December, 2023

Python Regex Search Giving None When It Should Match

So I have... regex = re.compile('\d{4,}:\s##(.*)##') regex_search =… Read more Python Regex Search Giving None When It Should Match

How To Login To Amazon Using Beautifulsoup

Referring to this post: Unable to log in to Amazon using Python I tried using the suggested answer… Read more How To Login To Amazon Using Beautifulsoup

Color Scale By Rows In Seaborn Heatmap

I would like to make heatmap in Seaborn where color is scaled by rows. I mean that the highest valu… Read more Color Scale By Rows In Seaborn Heatmap

Why Isn't Xmlfeedspider Failing To Iterate Through The Designated Nodes?

I'm trying to parse through PLoS's RSS feed to pick up new publications. The RSS feed is l… Read more Why Isn't Xmlfeedspider Failing To Iterate Through The Designated Nodes?

Selecting A Value From A Drop-down Option Using Selenium Python

I want to select a value from a drop-down option. The html is as follows: < Solution 1: Adrian … Read more Selecting A Value From A Drop-down Option Using Selenium Python

Python Idle Freezes

This is absolutely frustrating, but I am not sure if the following is an issue only on my machine o… Read more Python Idle Freezes

Circles Touching Edges

I am struggling with a program to tell whether a created disk touches the edge of a predefined box.… Read more Circles Touching Edges

Regex To Remove The Last Word If It Contains A Character

I need a regex in Python that will remove the last word from a string if it contains a certain char… Read more Regex To Remove The Last Word If It Contains A Character

Python Imports With

No matter how I structure the imports in the code files and in the files, I can't s… Read more Python Imports With

Using Foreign Keys In Sqlite3 For Python

I'm writing a program that creates a sqlite3 database through python. I have one table of Autho… Read more Using Foreign Keys In Sqlite3 For Python

Creating A List Of Lists With Consecutive Numbers

I am looking for a convenient way to create a list of lists for which the lists within the list hav… Read more Creating A List Of Lists With Consecutive Numbers

How To Draw Text With Image In Background?

I want to make something like this python. I have the image in background and write text with tran… Read more How To Draw Text With Image In Background?

Repeat Every Element In List X Times

I have got 2 lists: A=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and B=[3, 2, 5, 2, 4] and would like to repeat every ith elem… Read more Repeat Every Element In List X Times

Convert String Date To A Different Format In Pandas Dataframe

I have been looking for this answer in the community so far, could not have. I have a dataframe in … Read more Convert String Date To A Different Format In Pandas Dataframe

Python-integrate Then Save Text File

To all: This question pertains to some MS research I am doing. What I want to do is seemingly sim… Read more Python-integrate Then Save Text File

Query Writing Performance On Neo4j With Py2neo

Currently im struggle on finding a performant way, running multiple queries with py2neo. My problem… Read more Query Writing Performance On Neo4j With Py2neo

Json.dump Not Converting Python List To Js Array

When I attempt to pass a python list through to JavaScript in the template it doesn't parse the… Read more Json.dump Not Converting Python List To Js Array

How To Flip Image After Hitting Wall

I want the image to face right when travelling right and face left when travelling left. I'm no… Read more How To Flip Image After Hitting Wall

Python Grep Reverse Matching

I would like to build a small python script that basicaly does the reverse of grep. I want to match… Read more Python Grep Reverse Matching

Finding Largest Eigenvalue In Sparse Matrix

I'm using numpy and scipy. I have a large sparse matrix and I want to find the largest eigenval… Read more Finding Largest Eigenvalue In Sparse Matrix

How Can I Preserve
As Newlines With Lxml.html Text_content() Or Equivalent?

I want to preserve tags as \n when extracting the text content from lxml elements. Example code: … Read more How Can I Preserve
As Newlines With Lxml.html Text_content() Or Equivalent?

How To Use A Custom File-like Object As Subprocess Stdout/stderr?

Consider this code, where a subprocess.Popen is spawned. I'd like writes to the subprocess'… Read more How To Use A Custom File-like Object As Subprocess Stdout/stderr?

How To Iterate Over Python Enum Ignoring "deprecated" Ones?

If I have an enum class set up like this class fruits(enum.IntEnum): apples = 0 bananas = … Read more How To Iterate Over Python Enum Ignoring "deprecated" Ones?

Any Way To Use Google Api Without Every-time Authentication?

I tried to use the API on python in a autorun on a PC. But I can't because every time the progr… Read more Any Way To Use Google Api Without Every-time Authentication?

Scrape Multiple Urls Using Qwebpage

I'm using Qt's QWebPage to render a page that uses javascript to update its content dynamic… Read more Scrape Multiple Urls Using Qwebpage

The Truth Value Of A Series Is Ambiguous In Dataframe

I have the same code,I'm trying to create new field in pandas dataframe with simple conditions:… Read more The Truth Value Of A Series Is Ambiguous In Dataframe

How Can I Use Pcre Regexes From A Python Script?

I would like to use the PCRE library, or something very similar, from Python scripts. These scripts… Read more How Can I Use Pcre Regexes From A Python Script? Bot Stops Responding After I Add A New Block Of Code

im new to python and, this is a repost with updated details and without the block of cod… Read more Bot Stops Responding After I Add A New Block Of Code

Not Sure How To Fix This Cmd Command Error?

Im on windows 8 and i have installed the latest python,and im going to use sublime text 3 as my ide… Read more Not Sure How To Fix This Cmd Command Error?

Import Error: Dll Load Failed In Jupyter Notebook But Working In .py File

I installed BreakoutDetection the module in Anaconda environment. When I tried to import the module… Read more Import Error: Dll Load Failed In Jupyter Notebook But Working In .py File

How Do I Find The Sum Of Prime Numbers In A Given Range In Python 3.5?

I managed to create a list of prime numbers in a given range using this: import numpy as np num … Read more How Do I Find The Sum Of Prime Numbers In A Given Range In Python 3.5?

Fatal Python Error When Running Pytest With Qt

I'm new to pytest and I'm having trouble trying to run one of my test files. I'm getti… Read more Fatal Python Error When Running Pytest With Qt

Openpyxl Does Not Close Excel Workbook In Read Only Mode

I want to be able to read an Excel file in Python, keep the Python script running doing something e… Read more Openpyxl Does Not Close Excel Workbook In Read Only Mode

How To Execute Cascade On Delete?

I have this model in Django, where a person has the same information from the user provided by Djan… Read more How To Execute Cascade On Delete?

Onehotencoder Only A Single Feature Which Is String

I want one of my ONLY ONE of my features to be converted to a separate binary features: df['pat… Read more Onehotencoder Only A Single Feature Which Is String

Pandas: Boxplot Of One Column Based On Another Column

Say I have a dataframe like the following: my_dataframe: Age Group 0 31 A 1 24 A 2 25 … Read more Pandas: Boxplot Of One Column Based On Another Column

Python Keyword Arguments In Class Methods

I'm attempting to write a class method that takes 3 keyword arguments. I've used keyword ar… Read more Python Keyword Arguments In Class Methods

Not Able To Fetch Data From Quandl In Python

I tried the following code (written in a file import pandas as pd import quandl d=quandl.… Read more Not Able To Fetch Data From Quandl In Python

Get System Information(cpu Speed-total Ram-graphic Card Model Etc.) Under Windows

I searched a lot but couldn't find anything useful. Is this possible to get system information … Read more Get System Information(cpu Speed-total Ram-graphic Card Model Etc.) Under Windows

How Do I Plot An Updating Numpy Ndarray In Real Time Using Matplotlib?

I have a numpy array which I initialized outside the loop using np.zeros. This array is updated usi… Read more How Do I Plot An Updating Numpy Ndarray In Real Time Using Matplotlib?

Installation Of Gdal With Conda On Windows

I have Anaconda Python 3.6 on Windows 7. I frequently use GeoPandas and it worked fine. Yesterday… Read more Installation Of Gdal With Conda On Windows

Variable Area Threshold For Identifying Objects - Python

I have an array which contains information of the size and location a series of shapes: where the a… Read more Variable Area Threshold For Identifying Objects - Python

What Is _passthrough_scorer And How Can I Change Scorers In Gridsearchcv (sklearn)? (for referen… Read more What Is _passthrough_scorer And How Can I Change Scorers In Gridsearchcv (sklearn)?

How To Rightly Locate A Value At An Index In Nd Array And Save It As List In Python?

I have a list called L. It has C number of elements. I have a nd array called X. X has Boolean data… Read more How To Rightly Locate A Value At An Index In Nd Array And Save It As List In Python?

Configuring Python Virtual Environment To Use Python 3

I am learning Django. I installed two different versions of python on my laptop, 2 and 3. I configu… Read more Configuring Python Virtual Environment To Use Python 3

Why Do I Run Into An Infinite Loop Without __contains__?

The following code runs into an infinite loop: class SubCommandMap: def __init__(self): … Read more Why Do I Run Into An Infinite Loop Without __contains__?

Terminating A Function Call In Python After N Seconds

my python code goes like this: def a(): ... ... ... .… Read more Terminating A Function Call In Python After N Seconds

How Do I Retrieve Individual Video Urls From A Playlist, Using Youtube-dl Within A Python Script?

I'm trying to: Use youtube-dl within a Python script to download videos periodically Organize/… Read more How Do I Retrieve Individual Video Urls From A Playlist, Using Youtube-dl Within A Python Script?

Python Dictionary Iteration Order Is Unexpectedly Sorted. Why?

A dictionary is populated with consecutive integer keys, like this: d = dict() for i in range(0, 10… Read more Python Dictionary Iteration Order Is Unexpectedly Sorted. Why?

'anonymoususer' Object Has No Attribute '_meta' code from django.shortcuts import render,redirect from django.http import HttpResponse fro… Read more 'anonymoususer' Object Has No Attribute '_meta'

Accessing Package In Python Virtual Environment

I have a virtual environment in which I have installed 'geopandas'. When I do a pip list it… Read more Accessing Package In Python Virtual Environment

Counting The Input In A While Loop?

I need help with a function I have to write which includes a while loop that will continue going un… Read more Counting The Input In A While Loop?

When Persistentdict, When Folder?

When should I use a PersistentDict, and when should I use a Folder? What is the difference between … Read more When Persistentdict, When Folder?

Argparse Shortcut Option For Combining Other Options

Let's say I have an input file option and an output file option. How can I create an option th… Read more Argparse Shortcut Option For Combining Other Options

Working With Mixed Datetime Formats In Pandas

I read a file into a pandas dataframe with dates that vary in their format: either the American: Y… Read more Working With Mixed Datetime Formats In Pandas

Reading Csv File In Pandas With Historical Dates

I'm trying to read a file in with dates in the (UK) format 13/01/1800, however some of the date… Read more Reading Csv File In Pandas With Historical Dates

If Statement With Modulo Operator

I tried this - x=[2,3,4,7,9] count=0 for i in x: if i%2: count=count+1 print count why the c… Read more If Statement With Modulo Operator

Accessing Contents Of An Object Returned By Dll Using Ctypes In Python

The dll returns an object on calling a function using ctypes in python. It returns the following - … Read more Accessing Contents Of An Object Returned By Dll Using Ctypes In Python

Making A Stacked Barchart In Pandas

I would like to create a stacked bar plot from the following dataframe: VALUE COUNT RECL_LC… Read more Making A Stacked Barchart In Pandas