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How Do I Find The Sum Of Prime Numbers In A Given Range In Python 3.5?

I managed to create a list of prime numbers in a given range using this: import numpy as np num = int(input('Enter a number: ')) for a in range(2,num+1): maxInt=in

Solution 1:

In your case, a is an integer variable being used in your loop, not an iterable.

import numpy as np

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

primes = []

for a inrange(2,num+1):

  maxInt= int(np.sqrt(a)) + 1for i inrange(2,maxInt):

    if (a%i==0):


So if we just append them to a list as we go instead of printing them, we get the following output when taking the sum of the list primes.

Enter a number: 43281

Solution 2:

If you want to use sum, you could make a generator function, yielding each a in the loop so you have an iterable to call sum on:

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

    for a inrange(2, num + 1):
        maxInt = int(a **.5) + 1for i inrange(2, maxInt):
            if a % i == 0:
            yield a


Solution 3:

Sum them inside the loop

import numpy as np  

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))  

result=0for a inrange(2,num+1):         
  maxInt=int(np.sqrt(a)) + 1for i inrange(2,maxInt):
    if (a%i==0):  
      print (a)


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