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Configuring Python Virtual Environment To Use Python 3

I am learning Django. I installed two different versions of python on my laptop, 2 and 3. I configured my Laptop to use Python 3, so when I check version using the command line, I

Solution 1:

Virtualenv with python 2

virtualenv myEnv

Virtualenv with python 3

virtualenv -p python3 myEnv

Solution 2:

If you are on Linux just use the command python3 -m venv myvenv in the directory of your project and you're done!

Solution 3:

Execute below command line:->

For Python3 :->

virtualenv --python = $(which python3) EnvironmentName

For Python2 :->

virtualenv --python = $(which python) EnvironmentName

Solution 4:

If you want to use Python 3, the recommended way to create a virtual environment is using python3 -m venv as follows:

python3 -m venv venv # this will create a virtual environment called venv

In your case, you can directly use python instead of python3 since you have already configured your laptop to use Python 3 when running python (this is shown in your question).

In Windows, to activate this virtual environment run the following:


That's it!

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