Cannot Install Tensorflow On Anaconda
Solution 1:
For python version 3.7, you need to first downgrade to 3.6 using conda install python=3.6
. After that, the installation should work. I had a similar problem recently.
Solution 2:
What it worked for me was: I uninstalled old versions of python and anaconda from my PC. I installed anaconda ( from here.
I confirmed the conda installation by: conda -V
It should give you: conda 4.3.21
I confirmed the python installation by: python -V
It should give you: Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
Confirm the conda environment by typing on anaconda prompt:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda
Next, I Installed theano by: conda install theano
Next, I installed tensorflow by: conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
Last, I installed keras by: pip install keras
This process takes some while.
Solution 3:
The latest Tensorflow 1.12 supports python 3.4,3.5 or 3.6.
python 3.7 is not supported.
you can download Anaconda 5.2.0
After the Anaconda is installed, you can use conda install tensorflow
or conda install tensorflow-gpu
to quickly install tensorflow
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