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Nuitka On Windows

Having problems to compile using Nuitka on windows. The command I am using is: nuitka --standalone --portable --remove-output --recurse-all --python-version=3.4 hel

Solution 1:

OK, for the benefit of anyone who has the same error, here is the answer to my own question:

I failed to get MinGW working. I eventually got MSVC2010 installed instead. This is maybe better since it is recommended for Python 3.4 on Windows anyway (see:

Below are instructions for installing Nuitka using python 3.4 with MSVC++2010 and Win7 64bit:

Other helpful instructions for MSVC2010 are here: 1. 2.

Steps are:

  1. Install .net 4.x: run dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe (from

  2. Install Visual C++ 2010 Express: run vc_web.exe (from

  3. UN-install any Visual C++ 2010 runtime/redistributable newer or equal to 10.0.30319.(In my case I had a clean windows install for this setup so there was nothing to remove)

  4. Install Windows SDK 7.1: (select all install options) run winsdk_web.exe (from

  5. Install VS 2010 SP1: run VS10sp1-KB983509.exe (from

  6. Install MSVC 2010 SP1 Compiler Update: run VC-Compiler-KB2519277.exe (from

C compiler now installed.

  1. To test on 64 bit machines I found that there is a file missing, which has to be manually created. (See here: To fix create a file called: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\vc\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat In the file put the text CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64

  2. Set-up environment: run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall" amd64 Console text should go yellow after above command. (See here for options other than amd64:

  3. Compile test program: (do this while cmd text is still yellow) cl hello.c (assuming your test program is called hello.c)

  4. Run test program: hello.exe

C compiler now tested.

  1. Install python 2.7: (Nuitka needs this even if the python code is 3.x) run python-2.7.6.amd64.msi (from

  2. Install python 3.4: (Anaconda stack seems to be the sanest way to get this on Windows) run Anaconda3-2.3.0-Windows-x86_64.exe (from

  3. Install Nuitka: (newer versions all the time so better check run (from

All install now done!

  1. Test Nuitka: (assuming your test program is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall" amd64nuitka --standalone --portable hello.pycd hello.disthello.exe

On the first usage of nuitka it gave this notice: "Nuitka will make use of Dependency Walker ( tool to analyze the dependencies of Python extension modules. Is it OK to download and put it in APPDATA (no installer needed, cached, one time question). Proceed and download? [Yes]/No". I said yes and then the hello world program worked.

Hello world worked after this procedure but some imports on more complicated programs cause warnings. Will edit my answer when I figure that one out. Or will ask another question if I can't figure it out.

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