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Tensorflow Install With Conda Conflict - Unsatisfiableerror

Tried to install tensorflow using conda and its throwing a spec conflict error. I do not have python 3.5 installed conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow Fetching package metadat

Solution 1:

You seem to be installing tensorflow for python3.5 on a python3.6 environment. I would suggest you to create a seperate python environment for tensorflow. You can do it as follows

conda create -n Tensorflow anaconda python=3.5

This will create a anaconda environment called Tensorflow and install all the anaconda packages. You can also specify any other python distribution of your choice. Be sure you download the right tensorflow distribution depending on the python version you choose.

Then activate the newly created anaconda environment as follows

source activate Tensorflow

On windows

activate Tensorflow

This will switch the python environment. Then proceed to installing Tensorflow using pip as follows

pip install --ignore-installed--upgrade

If you wish to install tensorflow with GPU support, you should install CUDA toolkit and the CUDNNv5.1. More details here

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