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Showing posts from June, 2023

How To Make Float Values In Python Display .00 Instead Of .0?

Simple question, sorry I can;t figure this out. I have some numbers that are made by float(STRI… Read more How To Make Float Values In Python Display .00 Instead Of .0?

How To Get Pycharm Ide To Do Code Completion For Pygame's Sub-modules?

Intro: pygame is a python module used to create games. I've properly installed the module and m… Read more How To Get Pycharm Ide To Do Code Completion For Pygame's Sub-modules?

Convert Text Into A Dictionary With Certain Keys And Values

Possible Duplicate: how to extract a text file into a dictionary I have a text file where I would… Read more Convert Text Into A Dictionary With Certain Keys And Values

Python Typeerror: __init__() Takes Exactly 4 Arguments (1 Given)

I am working with python plugins for QGIS.I am using python2.5 and pyqt4 .My init method takes 4 ar… Read more Python Typeerror: __init__() Takes Exactly 4 Arguments (1 Given)

How To Convert A Really Long Timestamp Into Datetime (19 Digits) (9876432101234567890)

I am trying to manage some mods for a game, and to do that I'm trying to decode the metadata fi… Read more How To Convert A Really Long Timestamp Into Datetime (19 Digits) (9876432101234567890)

Matplotlib's Get_ticklabels Not Working With Custom String Labels

I would like to plot only every 50th item from 'dates' as a tick on the x axis. When I comm… Read more Matplotlib's Get_ticklabels Not Working With Custom String Labels

Python Kivy Unable To Get A Window, Abort

This is my first post here. I am a beginner at programming with Python so please be specefic with y… Read more Python Kivy Unable To Get A Window, Abort

Python Module From Github Installed Using Can't See Own Submodules

I downloaded from GitHub hoping to use the API it provides. I ran python… Read more Python Module From Github Installed Using Can't See Own Submodules

Python Append Multiple Values To Nested Dictionary By Key

I am trying to add another value to a nested dictionary by key, I have the below code but it doesn&… Read more Python Append Multiple Values To Nested Dictionary By Key

Python Requests Post Doing A Get?

I am using Python 2.7.5, Django 1.7, requests 2.4.1, and doing some simple testing. However, it see… Read more Python Requests Post Doing A Get?

Writing Min-max Scaler Function

I want to write a function for calculating Min-Max scale in python that return a list. x = [1, 2, 3… Read more Writing Min-max Scaler Function

Altair - Unable To Get Tooltips For One Layer In A Line Chart

When I plot a layered chart consisting of two groups of lines, the tooltips in one layer do not sho… Read more Altair - Unable To Get Tooltips For One Layer In A Line Chart

Formatting Python Docstrings For Dicts

What's the recommended way of adding a docstring for a dictionary parameter? I can see multiple… Read more Formatting Python Docstrings For Dicts

Seaborn Showing Values Not Found In Pandas Columns

Original dataframe: dp.head(10) Creating new dataframe using recommended selection method: dtest … Read more Seaborn Showing Values Not Found In Pandas Columns

Handling Contents Of Embed Tag In Selenium Python

How can I access embedded part from web page and contents using selenium and python Embedded part… Read more Handling Contents Of Embed Tag In Selenium Python

Fail To Download File With Opened New Tab In Headless Mode On Linux

As this answer by myself: How to download files headless in Selenium (Java) when download happens i… Read more Fail To Download File With Opened New Tab In Headless Mode On Linux

Unable To Install Gittle Library Without Root Privileges

I followed this link to install Gittle library. But when I run a command $ pip install gittle I ge… Read more Unable To Install Gittle Library Without Root Privileges

Finding The Average Pixel Values Of A List Of Blobs Identified By Scikit-image's Blob_log (laplacian Of Gaussian) Method

Input is a uint16 grayscale .tif-image, 512 x 512 pixels. As the title to this question implies, I … Read more Finding The Average Pixel Values Of A List Of Blobs Identified By Scikit-image's Blob_log (laplacian Of Gaussian) Method

Dask Dataframe: Can `set_index` Put A Single Index Into Multiple Partitions?

Empirically it seems that whenever you set_index on a Dask dataframe, Dask will always put rows wit… Read more Dask Dataframe: Can `set_index` Put A Single Index Into Multiple Partitions?

"500 Internal Server Error" Received When Trying To Create A .cgi Application From A Flask Application

I have created the following Flask application in python (named, using the code bel… Read more "500 Internal Server Error" Received When Trying To Create A .cgi Application From A Flask Application

Python Multiprocessing Issue In Windows And Spyder

I have a project for my college regarding multiprocessing in python.For my python projects I use sp… Read more Python Multiprocessing Issue In Windows And Spyder

Can't Install Pil 1.7

I have python 2.7.3 and I want to install PIL 1.7. I downloaded 'PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7' and… Read more Can't Install Pil 1.7

Issues With Python 3.x Multiline Regex?

I am very new to python and started coding with it a few weeks ago. Since now I was able to resolv … Read more Issues With Python 3.x Multiline Regex?

How To Resolve Templatesyntaxerror: Could Not Parse The Remainder Error?

I'm getting a 'TemplateSyntaxError: Could not parse the remainder:' here: https://docs.… Read more How To Resolve Templatesyntaxerror: Could Not Parse The Remainder Error?

Flattened Out A Mixed Type Of List

I have a mixed list that looked like this: [('1CFV',), 'NONRBP', [0.00325071141379,… Read more Flattened Out A Mixed Type Of List

Lstm To Forecast Numerical Data By Having Categorical Data As Input

I have a similar DataFrame: df = pd.DataFrame([ {'date':'2021-01-15', 'value… Read more Lstm To Forecast Numerical Data By Having Categorical Data As Input

Check If An Item In A List Is Available In A Column Which Is Of Type List

I'm trying to iterate over a list I have with a column in a dataframe which has list in each ro… Read more Check If An Item In A List Is Available In A Column Which Is Of Type List

How To Run A Task Outside Web2py And Retrieve The Output

Getting extended processing times inside web2py when running clustering algorithms. Tried running t… Read more How To Run A Task Outside Web2py And Retrieve The Output

Plot A List Of Tuples On X Axis

I've data like the following x = [(1,0), (0, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)] y = [1, 4, 8.5, 17.5] and I w… Read more Plot A List Of Tuples On X Axis

Python __getattr__ Executed Multiple Times

I've been trying to implement the __getattr__ function as in the following example: PEP 562 -- … Read more Python __getattr__ Executed Multiple Times

Is There Any Nicer Way To Aggregate Multiple Columns On Same Grouped Pandas Dataframe?

I am trying to figure out how should I manipulate my data so I can aggregate on multiple columns bu… Read more Is There Any Nicer Way To Aggregate Multiple Columns On Same Grouped Pandas Dataframe?

How Do I Change The Interval Between Frames (python)?

So I'm making an animation in python using matplotlib.animation, and I want the time between ea… Read more How Do I Change The Interval Between Frames (python)?

Convert Adjacency Matrix Into Edgelist (csv File) For Cytoscape

I have a large (200 columns/rows) adjacency matrix in a csv file. This details interactions between… Read more Convert Adjacency Matrix Into Edgelist (csv File) For Cytoscape

Clear `qgraphicsview` Immediately In Qt <= 5.12

The given code below is derived from another question on SO. It displays a QMainWindow with 4 QGrap… Read more Clear `qgraphicsview` Immediately In Qt <= 5.12

How I Display 2 Words Before And After A Key Search Word In Python

Very new to Python programming. How I display 2 words before and after a key search word. In belo… Read more How I Display 2 Words Before And After A Key Search Word In Python

Python Package Management In Mac Os X

Every time I tried to install a new package for python on Mac OS X, I had this issue which these pa… Read more Python Package Management In Mac Os X

How To Merge Two Data Frame By Column Names Python

I have two data frame, one looks like this (shape: 12553*83): A12D A131 A12B ..… Read more How To Merge Two Data Frame By Column Names Python

Get Text Inside Xml Tags By Their Name

I had a xml code and i want to get text in exact elements(xml tags) using python language . I have … Read more Get Text Inside Xml Tags By Their Name

Changing Values On A Werkzeug Request Object

I have a request object that comes from werkzeug. I want to change a value on this request object. … Read more Changing Values On A Werkzeug Request Object

Illegal Instruction: 4 Error When Running Any Tensorflow Program

I am trying to train a Tensorflow Convolutional Neural Network, and I am always getting a cryptic e… Read more Illegal Instruction: 4 Error When Running Any Tensorflow Program

Generating Permutations Of A Given Length - Python

I want to generate a list of permutations over a given alphabet of length n. For example, if n = 3 … Read more Generating Permutations Of A Given Length - Python

Python Xml Iterating Over Elements Takes A Lot Of Memory

I have some very big XML files (around ~100-150 MB each). One element in my XML is M (for member),… Read more Python Xml Iterating Over Elements Takes A Lot Of Memory

Error In Objfileloader

There's error in file from the link -… Read more Error In Objfileloader

Using Python's Pillow Library: How To Draw Text Without Creating Draw Object Of An Image

the code bellow shows how to write text on image with creating a draw object from PIL import Image… Read more Using Python's Pillow Library: How To Draw Text Without Creating Draw Object Of An Image

How To Parse A Json Object Into Smaller Objects Using Python?

I have a very large JSON object that I need to split into smaller objects and write those smaller o… Read more How To Parse A Json Object Into Smaller Objects Using Python?

While Loop Creating

I am writing a program in Python that defines a function that takes a single argument. The function… Read more While Loop Creating

Adminsettings Api Using Service Account Auth/keyword Failures

Trying to retreive domain number of users, 'GetCurrentNumberOfUsers()', using AdminSettings… Read more Adminsettings Api Using Service Account Auth/keyword Failures

Django Paginator Page Range For Not Displaying All Numbers

I have a pagination in my site but it shows me every page like 1-19, i only want to display only 5 … Read more Django Paginator Page Range For Not Displaying All Numbers

Gcp Dataproc Custom Image Python Environment

I have an issue when I create a DataProc custom image and Pyspark. My custom image is based on Data… Read more Gcp Dataproc Custom Image Python Environment