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Flattened Out A Mixed Type Of List

I have a mixed list that looked like this: [('1CFV',), 'NONRBP', [0.00325071141379, 0.278046326931, 0.291350892759]] It was created with this command: In [12]: l1 = [0.0032507114

Solution 1:

>>>final = []>>>a = [('1CFV',), 'NONRBP', [0.00325071141379, 0.278046326931, 0.291350892759]]>>>for i in a:...ifhasattr(i, '__iter__'):...for j in i:...      final.append(j)...else:...    final.append(i)...>>>print final
['1CFV', 'NONRBP', 0.00325071141379, 0.27804632693100001, 0.291350892759]

Solution 2:

how about

[item for item inlistiftype(item) isnotlist] + 
[item for sublist in mixl iftype(item) islistfor item in sublist]

Solves the specific case where a list contains lists and other iterables (strings)

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