Running Computation In Background Thread Python/pygtk
Solution 1:
Since you're using pygtk, did you call threads_init()
For newer versions:
>>>from gi.repository import GObject>>>GObject.threads_init()
And for older ones:
>>>import gobject>>>gobject.threads_init()
Also make sure you do not call any GUI method from your thread or your application will break in weird ways. An easy way around this is to use GObject.idle_add
idle_add(callable, user_data=None, priority=None) -> source id callable receives (user_data)
Adds a callable to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending to the default main loop.
Solution 2:
For doing processing on the background, you can also go with subprocess of python. It will create a sub_process (independent of the original execution ) , for which you can use .poll at certain intervals to check the if the process is done . If you run .communicate then whole process will wait for subprocess to complete. Also, you can refer this document :- threading-subprocess
I also believe that there are ways to get around you problem , just by using normal threading in python.
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