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How To Select Multiple Images In Checkbox In Recycle View Kivy?

from kivy.uix.modalview import ModalView from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from import MDApp from kivy.metrics import dp from

Solution 1:

If you are using MDCheckbox in a RecycleView, then you should include the state of that MDCheckbox in the data. If you don't do that, then the RecyclView doesn't know about the state of the MDCheckbox and when an MDCheckbox gets recycled, its state will be whatever it was last time it was used. To accomplish that, first modify your kv rule for ImgCard:

<ImgCard@BoxLayout>path:""selected:False# added to indicate selectionindex:-1# added to enable accessing this item in the dataorientation:"vertical"size_hint_y:NoneImage:source:root.pathsize_hint_y:.9MDCheckbox:id:cbstate:'down'ifroot.selectedelse'normal'on_release:app.root.adjust_data(root)

Note that the ButtonBehavior is not necessary.

Then, modify the initial data to initialize the new properties:

    count = 0ifnot self.manager_list:
        for image in os.listdir(self.dir):
            target_filename, target_file_extension = os.path.splitext(image)
            if target_file_extension in self.available_image_format:
                path_to_image = os.path.join(self.dir, image)
                        "ImgCard": "ImageManager",
                        "path": path_to_image,
                        "height": dp(200),
                        "selected": False,
                        "index": count
                count += 1 = self.manager_list
        self.images = [self.dir]

And add a method in the Gallery class to update the data when a MDCheckbox is changed:

defadjust_data(self, imgcard):
    rv = self.ids.img_base[imgcard.index]['selected'] = imgcard.ids.cb.state == 'down'
    imgcard.ids.cb.state = 'normal'

To remove the selected items, you can add a Button in your <Gallery> rule that calls:

defdelete(self, instance):
    rv = self.ids.img_base
    deleted = Falsefor i inrange(len( - 1, -1, -1):
        item =[i]
        if item['selected']:
            deleted = Trueif deleted:

Since deleting any items will upset the index property of items in the data, another method is required to adjust the index properties:

    # adjust index values to account for removd items
    rv = self.ids.img_base
    index = 0for item in
        item['index'] = index
        index += 1

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