Dynamically Creating A Placeholder To Insert Many Column Values For A Row In Sqlite Table
I know that it's possible to insert many column values in a SQLite database using a variable with a tuple of values ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00) and a corresponding pl
Solution 1:
Build a string based on the number of items in your values
, eg:
def place_holder(values):
return'({})'.format(', '.join('?' * len(values)))
values = ['a', 'b', 'c']
ph = place_holder(values)
# (?, ?, ?)
Then something like:
your_cursor.execute('insert into your_table values {}'.format(ph), values)
If it doesn't meet your schema, you'll have issues, but that's another problem...
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