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Showing posts from August, 2024

How To Install Spoonacular Python Package

I'm trying to use the spoonacular python API found here… Read more How To Install Spoonacular Python Package

Keeping The Script Running When Closing The Window And Opening A Text Editor In Python

As we all know April fools is coming so i tought i would write a nice script to prank someone, a ha… Read more Keeping The Script Running When Closing The Window And Opening A Text Editor In Python

What Is The Equivalence Of Perluniprops In Python?

In perl, there's the perluniprops index of Unicode 7,… Read more What Is The Equivalence Of Perluniprops In Python?

Printing Html In Python Cgi

I've been teaching myself python and cgi scripting, and I know that your basic script looks lik… Read more Printing Html In Python Cgi

Modify Damerau-levenshtein Algorithm To Track Transformations (insertions, Deletions, Etc)

I'm wondering how to modify the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm to track the specific character t… Read more Modify Damerau-levenshtein Algorithm To Track Transformations (insertions, Deletions, Etc)

The Type Of A Variable That Can Be Implicitly Checked For "zeroness" Or "emptiness"

I have a function that receives a variable x and checks for it's 'zeroness' or 'emp… Read more The Type Of A Variable That Can Be Implicitly Checked For "zeroness" Or "emptiness"

Exclude Type In Python Typing Annotation

I wrote the following function: def _clean_dict(d): return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is … Read more Exclude Type In Python Typing Annotation

Thread._wait_for_tstate_lock() Never Returns

My program appears to run in a deadlock sometimes when I hit Ctrl+C. I'm trying to catch the ke… Read more Thread._wait_for_tstate_lock() Never Returns

Windows "open With" Python Py2exe Application

I wonder how the Windows 'Open file with...' feature works. Or rather, how would do if I wr… Read more Windows "open With" Python Py2exe Application

Generate Multiple Columns Based On Conditions From Other Columns

I've searched quite a bit for a solution, but almost all questions are related to the creation … Read more Generate Multiple Columns Based On Conditions From Other Columns

Python Pandas Dataframe: Find Last Occurrence Of Value Less-than-or-equal-to Current Row

I have 2 pandas dataframes: df1: ksat muacres SAND SILT CLAY 0 5326 0 0 … Read more Python Pandas Dataframe: Find Last Occurrence Of Value Less-than-or-equal-to Current Row

Python-- Webscraping For The Content In "expand" Button With Beautifulsoup

I am scraping a yellow page to get the name of all physiotherapists in a city. With the url I get t… Read more Python-- Webscraping For The Content In "expand" Button With Beautifulsoup

Django Translations Of Third Party Apps

I'm trying to translate a Django third-party app (django-recurrence) within my Django 1.7 proje… Read more Django Translations Of Third Party Apps

Pandas.read_csv() Memoryerror

I have a 1gb csv file. The file has about 10000000(10 Mil) rows. I need to iterate through the rows… Read more Pandas.read_csv() Memoryerror

Plot Something In One Figure, And Use It Again Later For Another Figure

I hope I'm asking this question at the right place. I have a for-loop, in that many figures are… Read more Plot Something In One Figure, And Use It Again Later For Another Figure

Lxml: Cannot Import Etree

I went to this page and downloaded the tar file : … Read more Lxml: Cannot Import Etree

What Is The Difference Writing Code In A Class And In Def __init__(self) In Python?

Possible Duplicate: Variables inside and outside of a class __init__() function I understand that… Read more What Is The Difference Writing Code In A Class And In Def __init__(self) In Python?

Get User Input And Loop Through A Lot Of Variables In Order To Match That Input To One Of The Variables

I have created an ASCII map of an island in a school project. There are over 140 variables which ar… Read more Get User Input And Loop Through A Lot Of Variables In Order To Match That Input To One Of The Variables

Using Python To Find And Replace Footnotes In Word

I am trying to use Python to hyperlink text in MS Word documents. I am currently using the win32co… Read more Using Python To Find And Replace Footnotes In Word

Custom Tensorflow Metric: True Positive Rate At Given False Positive Rate

I have a binary classification problem with categories background (bg) = 0, signal (sig) = 1, for w… Read more Custom Tensorflow Metric: True Positive Rate At Given False Positive Rate

Tensorflow: Where Is Tf.nn.conv2d Actually Executed?

I am curious about the Tensorflow implementation of tf.nn.conv2d(...). To call it, one simply runs … Read more Tensorflow: Where Is Tf.nn.conv2d Actually Executed?

First 100 Prime Numbers

I know there are a number of ways to find the first 100 prime numbers but please help me in my appr… Read more First 100 Prime Numbers

Fill Nan With All The Information From Previous Week

I have a dataframe that looks like: Week Store End Cap UPC 0 1 1 A 1234… Read more Fill Nan With All The Information From Previous Week

Assigning Items From Dictionary's Set To A Combobox

My plan was to create a combobox with the names of individuals, so that user can select a name from… Read more Assigning Items From Dictionary's Set To A Combobox

Require And Option Only If A Choice Is Made When Using Click

When using click I know how to define a multiple choice option. I also know how to set an option as… Read more Require And Option Only If A Choice Is Made When Using Click

Get Previous Value Of Pandas Datetime Index

I have a pandas dataframe with datetime index Date 2013-02-22 00:00:00+00:00 0.280001 2013-02-2… Read more Get Previous Value Of Pandas Datetime Index

Manipulating Dates In X-axis Pandas Matplotlib

I have a pretty simple set of data as displayed below. I am looking for a way to plot this stacked … Read more Manipulating Dates In X-axis Pandas Matplotlib

Celery Not Queuing Tasks To Broker On Remote Server, Adds Tasks To Localhost Instead # set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program. os.environ.set… Read more Celery Not Queuing Tasks To Broker On Remote Server, Adds Tasks To Localhost Instead

Change 3d Graph Color (matplotlib)

I have plotted a 3D graph in matplotlib using the following code: #Previously defines lists of data… Read more Change 3d Graph Color (matplotlib)

Convert Multiple Python Dictionaries To Matlab Structure Array With Savemat

A simple question, but one I can't seem to be able to wrap my head around. I'm using the sc… Read more Convert Multiple Python Dictionaries To Matlab Structure Array With Savemat

Python Format Negative Currency

I haven't found anything that addresses how to format negative currency, so far, and it is driv… Read more Python Format Negative Currency

How Do I Make A Type Annotation For A List Of Subclass Instances, E.g To Concatenate Two Lists?

I want to iterate over List[A] and List[Subclass of A] and do the same loop. The best way I can see… Read more How Do I Make A Type Annotation For A List Of Subclass Instances, E.g To Concatenate Two Lists?

Executing Python Script From Command Line Is Hiding Print Statements

I know this must be a super basic question, however, I have tried finding a simple answer throughou… Read more Executing Python Script From Command Line Is Hiding Print Statements

How To Convert A 2 1d Arrays To One 1d Arrays But Both Values Should Be Inside One Element

i really dont how to phrase this properly so I apologise in advance. So lets say i have 2, 1D arra… Read more How To Convert A 2 1d Arrays To One 1d Arrays But Both Values Should Be Inside One Element

Projectile Motion And Gravity In Pygame Only Sometimes Working

So to answer another question, I delved into python + pygame projectile motion. Basically I wanted… Read more Projectile Motion And Gravity In Pygame Only Sometimes Working

On Aws Elastic Search {"message":"user: Anonymous Is Not Authorized To Perform: Es:eshttpget"}

I have created AWS elasticsearch domain On click b… Read more On Aws Elastic Search {"message":"user: Anonymous Is Not Authorized To Perform: Es:eshttpget"}

Python Getting A Variable In A Class

I'm learning right now a python language but I would like to programm in OOP style. Sorry for m… Read more Python Getting A Variable In A Class

Removing Negative Values And Printing The Original And The New List

To start of I am telling you this is for school as I am learning to code with Python. Please do exp… Read more Removing Negative Values And Printing The Original And The New List