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Pandas - Create A New Column With Aggregation Of Previous Column

I have a dataframe with 2 columns: CLASS STUDENT 'Sci' 'Francy' 'math' 'Alex' 'math' 'Arthur' 'math' 'Katy' 'eng' 'Jack' 'eng' 'Paul' 'eng' 'Francy' I want to add a

Solution 1:

IIUC Using condition assign with the groupby + transform

  CLASS STUDENT               New
0   Sci  Francy               NaN
1math    Alex  Alex,Arthur,Katy
2math  Arthur  Alex,Arthur,Katy
3math    Katy  Alex,Arthur,Katy
4   eng    Jack               NaN
5   eng    Paul               NaN
6   eng  Francy               NaN

More info, since I compute all the group by groupby , so that you can assign them all or just pick what you need conditional assign

0              Francy
1    Alex,Arthur,Katy
2    Alex,Arthur,Katy
3    Alex,Arthur,Katy
4    Jack,Paul,Francy
5    Jack,Paul,Francy
6    Jack,Paul,Francy
Name: STUDENT, dtype: object

Solution 2:

You can just use str.join:

df.loc[df['CLASS'] == 'math', 'new_col'] = ', '.join(df.loc[df['CLASS'] == 'math', 'STUDENT'])

Solution 3:

You can do this:

df = pd.DataFrame({"CLASS":['sci','math','math','math','eng','eng','eng'],"STUDENT":['Francy','Alex','Arthur','Katy','Jack','Pauk','Francy']})

step 1: define your function

def get_student_list(class_name): 
    students = list(df[df['CLASS']==class_name]['STUDENT'])
    return", ".join(students)

Step 2: use the numpy where func:

requested_class = 'math'df['NEW_COL']=np.where(df['CLASS']==requested_class,get_student_list(requested_class),np.NaN)

Desired result:

enter image description here

Solution 4:

Another way using pivot_table and map:

df['NEW_COL'] =, 'STUDENT', 'CLASS', 'CLASS', aggfunc=','.join)['math']).fillna(np.nan)

0   Sci  Francy               NaN
1  math    Alex  Alex,Arthur,Katy
2  math  Arthur  Alex,Arthur,Katy
3  math    Katy  Alex,Arthur,Katy
4   eng    Jack               NaN
5   eng    Paul               NaN
6   eng  Francy               NaN

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