Strange Problems When Using Requests And Multiprocessing
Please check this python code: #!/usr/bin/env python import requests import multiprocessing from time import sleep, time from requests import async def do_req(): r = requests.
Solution 1:
Requests async module uses gevent. If you look at the source code of gevent you will see that it monkey patches many of Python's standard library functions, including sleep:
request.async module during import executes:
from gevent import monkey as curious_george
# Monkey-patch.
curious_george.patch_all(thread=False, select=False)
Looking at the module of gevent you can see:
"""Replace :func:`time.sleep` with :func:`gevent.sleep`."""from gevent.hub import sleep
import time
patch_item(time, 'sleep', sleep)
Take a look at the code from the gevent's repository for details.
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