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Pybtex Does Not Recogonize Bibtex Entry

I'm creating a publications database which allows users to enter bibtex entries which I then parse and store in a db. Right now, I'm having trouble parsing the bibtex entries. I'm

Solution 1:

To parse from a string, use StringIO in combination with parse_stream:

import pybtex.database.input.bibtex
from StringIO import StringIO

    parser = pybtex.database.input.bibtex.Parser()
    return parser.parse_stream(StringIO(s))

print bibtex_string_to_data("""
  author  = {Peter Adams},
  title   = {The title of the work},
  journal = {The name of the journal},
  year    = 1993,
  number  = 2,
  pages   = {201-213},
  month   = 7,
  note    = {An optional note},
  volume  = 4

which gives (reformatted for readability):

    'article': Entry(
            'volume': '4',
            'title': 'The title of the work',
            'journal': 'The name of the journal',
            'number': '2',
            'month': '7',
            'note': 'An optional note',
            'year': '1993',
            'pages': '201-213'},
            'author': [Person(u'Adams, Peter')]})
    }), preamble=[])

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