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Showing posts from June, 2024

Calling Tell() On Python File Objects Opened In Append Mode Returns 0 If Not Manually Seeking To Eof

I noticed a strange behavior of Python file handlers, when created in append mode. In the following… Read more Calling Tell() On Python File Objects Opened In Append Mode Returns 0 If Not Manually Seeking To Eof

Parentheses And Quotation Marks In Output

Sometimes when I use the print function, parentheses and quotation marks appear in the output. I… Read more Parentheses And Quotation Marks In Output

Pybuilder And Pytest: Cannot Import Source Code When Running Tests

so i have a project: |- src |-main |-python |-data_merger … Read more Pybuilder And Pytest: Cannot Import Source Code When Running Tests

How Can I Grid Search Different Values For My Keras Model In Python?

I've implemented a LSTM in keras. In that I am using the following three values: embedding_siz… Read more How Can I Grid Search Different Values For My Keras Model In Python?

Set Multiple Columns To Zero Based On A Value In Another Column

I have a sample dataset here. In real case, it has a train and test dataset. Both of them have arou… Read more Set Multiple Columns To Zero Based On A Value In Another Column

Dynamically Import Module From Memory In Python 3 Using Hooks

What I want to achieve is exactly what this this answer proposes, however in Python 3. The code bel… Read more Dynamically Import Module From Memory In Python 3 Using Hooks

Check For Unique Values In A Dictionary And Return A List

I've been struggling with this exercise for a couple of days now, each approximation I find, ha… Read more Check For Unique Values In A Dictionary And Return A List

Representing A Couple Of Rdf-triples Using Tensor. How To Programming This Modeling Process Using Python?

A question about representing a couple of RDF-triples using tensor. Scenario: A RDF-triple is used … Read more Representing A Couple Of Rdf-triples Using Tensor. How To Programming This Modeling Process Using Python?

How To Plot (x,y,z) Coordinates In The Shape Of A Hexagonal Grid?

If for example, I have the following coordinates with corresponding colors which represent a hexago… Read more How To Plot (x,y,z) Coordinates In The Shape Of A Hexagonal Grid?

Applying Css And Roles For Text Blocks Instead Of Inline Spans In Sphinx

There is a previous question that explains how to add a color span to some reStructuredText. To rec… Read more Applying Css And Roles For Text Blocks Instead Of Inline Spans In Sphinx

How To Prevent Triples From Getting Mixed Up While Uploading To Dydra Programmatically?

I am trying to upload some data to Dydra from a Sesame triplestore I have on my computer. While the… Read more How To Prevent Triples From Getting Mixed Up While Uploading To Dydra Programmatically?

How To Split A Web Address

So I'm using python to do some parsing of web pages and I want to split the full web address in… Read more How To Split A Web Address

Python Cosine Function Precision

From mathematics we know that the cosine of a 90 degree angle is 0 but Python says it's a bit m… Read more Python Cosine Function Precision

Pandas Concat On Multiindex Columns Based On Level's Name

I am seeing a wierd behavior from pandas, maybe it's just me but I am expecting a different res… Read more Pandas Concat On Multiindex Columns Based On Level's Name

How To Get Data In Flask From Ajax Post

I want to retrieve the data from the variable 'clicked' so I can use it in SQL queries in F… Read more How To Get Data In Flask From Ajax Post

Reading .exr Files In Opencv

I have generated some depth maps using blender and have saved z-buffer values(32 bits) in OpenEXR f… Read more Reading .exr Files In Opencv

Python: Getting Started With Tk, Widget Not Resizing On Grid?

I'm just getting started with Python's Tkinter/ttk and I'm having issues getting my wid… Read more Python: Getting Started With Tk, Widget Not Resizing On Grid?

How Do I Execute A Complex Shell Find Command From Python?

I'm trying to execute a complex shell command from inside of python. The naive attempt: subproc… Read more How Do I Execute A Complex Shell Find Command From Python?

Record Voice With Recorder.js And Upload It To Python-flask Server, But Wav File Is Broken

I would like to realize this. A user speaks to a web browser. A web browser (Google Chrome) record… Read more Record Voice With Recorder.js And Upload It To Python-flask Server, But Wav File Is Broken

Hidden Phone Number Can't Be Scraped

I've been having trouble trying to extract the phone number after clicking the 'llamar'… Read more Hidden Phone Number Can't Be Scraped

Pyqt5 Stylesheet Animation

I am using PyQt5 to build an app with multiple buttons. What I am trying to accomplish is to create… Read more Pyqt5 Stylesheet Animation

How To Store `pandas.dataframe` In A Pandas-loadable Binary Format Other Than `pickle`

I have a problem with saving pandas.DataFrame (1 440 000 000 rows). From what I can see in the API,… Read more How To Store `pandas.dataframe` In A Pandas-loadable Binary Format Other Than `pickle`

Hog Training And Detection In Python Using Opencv

I'm having an issue with useful detection using Python, OpenCV 3.1 and HOG. While I have workin… Read more Hog Training And Detection In Python Using Opencv

Is There Any Hash Function Which Have Following Properties

I want a hash function which is fast, collision resistant and can give unique output. The primary r… Read more Is There Any Hash Function Which Have Following Properties

I Want To Change A Tuple Into String Without Joining It In Python. How Could I Do That?

For Example: I want to change t=('a', 'b', 'c') to s='a', 'b… Read more I Want To Change A Tuple Into String Without Joining It In Python. How Could I Do That?

Running Multiple Methods At Once In Python

I am trying to run a method which has an infinite loop in it to create a video display. This method… Read more Running Multiple Methods At Once In Python

Making Subsequent Post Request In Session Doesn't Work - Web Scraping

Here's what I'm trying to do: go here, then hit 'search'. Grab the data, then hit &… Read more Making Subsequent Post Request In Session Doesn't Work - Web Scraping

Matplotlib Boxplot Using Precalculated (summary) Statistics

I need to do a boxplot (in Python and matplotlib) but I do not have the original 'raw' data… Read more Matplotlib Boxplot Using Precalculated (summary) Statistics

Unexpected Eigenvectors In Numpy

I have seen this question, and it is relevant to my attempt to compute the dominant eigenvector in … Read more Unexpected Eigenvectors In Numpy

Converting List Of Tuples In Python To Dictionary

Imagine a social network website which allows people to specify which other people they like. We ca… Read more Converting List Of Tuples In Python To Dictionary

How Can My Code Tell If It's Running On Google's Server Or My Local Development Server?

Possible Duplicate: In Python, how can I test if I'm in Google App Engine SDK? Is there an en… Read more How Can My Code Tell If It's Running On Google's Server Or My Local Development Server?

Django _set.all Filter Not Working In Template

I'm trying to filter a list of objects in my database but I can't get it to work on the tem… Read more Django _set.all Filter Not Working In Template

Error When Indexing Data Using Elasticsearch Dsl

I have two models which are as follows: class PostUser(models.Model): user_id = models.CharFie… Read more Error When Indexing Data Using Elasticsearch Dsl

Runtimeerror: Populate() Isn't Reentrant On Centos 7 | Django 1.9 | Python3

Im deploying a django application on a intranet environment. I've already set up a testing serv… Read more Runtimeerror: Populate() Isn't Reentrant On Centos 7 | Django 1.9 | Python3

How Do You Compress A String, And Get A String Back Using Zlib?

I am trying to utilize Zlib for text compression. For example I have a string T='blah blah blah… Read more How Do You Compress A String, And Get A String Back Using Zlib?

Ordering In Python (2.4) Dictionary

r_dict={'answer1': 'value1','answer11': 'value11','answer2'… Read more Ordering In Python (2.4) Dictionary

Rolling Window In Python

I have a numpy array. I need a rolling window: [1,2,3,4,5,6] expected result for sub array length… Read more Rolling Window In Python

Search For Any Number Of Unknown Substrings In Place Of * In A List Of String

First of all, sorry if the title isn't very explicit, it's hard for me to formulate it prop… Read more Search For Any Number Of Unknown Substrings In Place Of * In A List Of String

Why Am I Getting This Error In Python When I Enter Into Next Line Of If-else Condition?

if cake == 'delicious': return 'yes' SyntaxError: 'return' outside fu… Read more Why Am I Getting This Error In Python When I Enter Into Next Line Of If-else Condition?

Installing Informix Client Sdk On Raspberry Pi

I wanted my raspberry pi to connect to an Informix database thru Python. I tried installing the Inf… Read more Installing Informix Client Sdk On Raspberry Pi

Pandas Df.resample With Column-specific Aggregation Function

With pandas.DataFrame.resample I can downsample a DataFrame: df.resample('3s', how='mea… Read more Pandas Df.resample With Column-specific Aggregation Function

Html Appengine Redirect Url

I want to redirect a user to the next URL after authenticating on a third party web page. In the re… Read more Html Appengine Redirect Url

How To Delete A String In A Loop With Python?

I have got a text like in this format: 'TEXT1';' TEXT2';'TEXT3';'TEXT4&… Read more How To Delete A String In A Loop With Python?

Porting Hashs From Php's Crypt() To Python

I was wondering if there is a python cognate to PHP's crypt() function that performs in a simil… Read more Porting Hashs From Php's Crypt() To Python

Implementing Extended Euclid Algorithm

Why is the following implementation of the Extended Euclid Algorithm failing? def extended_euclid(a… Read more Implementing Extended Euclid Algorithm

Understanding Python Name Objects, Immutable Data, And Memory Management

Newbie here. Say I do the following: a = '123' b = a[1] a = 'abc' My understanding… Read more Understanding Python Name Objects, Immutable Data, And Memory Management

Running A Tkinter Window And Pystray Icon Together

I'm building a tkinter gui project and i'm looking for ways to run a tray icon with the tki… Read more Running A Tkinter Window And Pystray Icon Together

Tcl File Parser For Python

I have a .tcl file. Is there any parser available which directly extracts data from .tcl file ? I … Read more Tcl File Parser For Python

String Concatenation In Python

Can you describe difference between two ways of string concatenation: simple __add__ operator and %… Read more String Concatenation In Python

Which Tensorflow Package For Keras 2.3

I am trying to use Keras on my machine but I keep getting the error message 'AttributeError: m… Read more Which Tensorflow Package For Keras 2.3

Double Loop In Django Template

I have been trying to do this nested loop for couple of hours, but so far none of my results worked… Read more Double Loop In Django Template

Conv2d Cnn Edge Detection Script Returns Blank Images

I want to colour the oil, water and plastic in the images shown. Currently I split up the training… Read more Conv2d Cnn Edge Detection Script Returns Blank Images

Django Dynamic Urlpatterns

I'm building a simple web application with Django. My users are separated into multiple groups,… Read more Django Dynamic Urlpatterns

Python Weekday And Strftime("%u")

Is there a workaround for the following from datetime import datetime, timedelta a =… Read more Python Weekday And Strftime("%u")

Python/pygame Adding A Title Screen With A Button

I have this code import pygame, random, sys from pygame.locals import * BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE =… Read more Python/pygame Adding A Title Screen With A Button

Generating All N-tuples From A String

Is there a simple, pythonic, way to generate all n-tuples of a given length from a string? For exam… Read more Generating All N-tuples From A String

Delete An Element Of Certain Value In Numpy Array Once

I would like to delete an element from a numpy array that has a certain value. However, in the case… Read more Delete An Element Of Certain Value In Numpy Array Once

How To Include A Python .egg Library That Is In A Subdirectory (relative Location)?

How do you import python .egg files that are stored in a relative location to the .py code? For exa… Read more How To Include A Python .egg Library That Is In A Subdirectory (relative Location)?

How To Rename Variables In A Loop In Python

I want to run a program in Python which loops several times, creating a NEW array each time - i.e. … Read more How To Rename Variables In A Loop In Python