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Tornado.wsgi.wsgiapplication Issue: __call__ Takes Exactly 3 Arguments (2 Given)

As part of a project, I've been trying to port a Tornado server to work on the Google App Engine. Since the App Engine doesn't implement the asynchronous functions of normal Tornad

Solution 1:

The name "application" is unfortunately overloaded here - tornado.web.Application and WSGIApplication differ in their interface to the server. tornado.web.Application can be used by a tornado HTTPServer, but WSGIApplication must be run in a WSGI container. In app engine deployment, you'd just mention your WSGIApplication instance directly in the config file, with no mention of tornado.httpserver. To use adapt a WSGIApplication to tornado.httpserver, use a tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer: HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(application()))

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