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What Is The Space Complexity Of The Python Sort?

What space complexity does the python sort take? I can't find any definitive documentation on this anywhere

Solution 1:

Space complexity is defined as how much additional space the algorithm needs in terms of the N elements. And even though according to the docs, the sort method sorts a list in place, it does use some additional space, as stated in the description of the implementation:

timsort can require a temp array containing as many as N//2 pointers, which means as many as 2*N extra bytes on 32-bit boxes. It can be expected to require a temp array this large when sorting random data; on data with significant structure, it may get away without using any extra heap memory.

Therefore the worst case space complexity is O(N) and best case O(1)

Solution 2:

Python's built in sort method is a spin off of merge sort called Timsort, more information here -

It's essentially no better or worse than merge sort, which means that its run time on average is O(n log n) and its space complexity is Ω(n)

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