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Remove List If Nan Is In A Lists Of Lists

I have a list of lists from a Pandas Data frame that contains nan values. I would like to remove all the lists that contain any nan values. Then plot the remaining values. Example

Solution 1:

Removing values from list

Using filter

nan isnt proper Python syntax and is only used in the Pandas library. So I am going to replace this value with None.

we can use a filter function to remove any values within the list that contains a nan value.

test = list(filter(lambda x: Nonenotin x, test))

Using list comprehension

Edit: Should be x instead of test. Thanks @fountainhead

test = [x for x in test if None not in test]

test = [x for x intestif None not in x]

Both will return a list with values not containing None in them


We can use a library called matplotlib to plot a graph. For example, to create a scatter plot:

import matplotlib.pyplotas plt
plt.scatter(x, y)

where plt.scatter takes in x values and y values for row and columns respectively. The full code is as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

test = [[1,2],[1,None],[3,4]]
test = list(filter(lambda x: Nonenotin x, test))

x = [x for x,y in test]
y = [y for x,y in test]

# Assume allfirst elements are x valuessecond elements are y values
plt.scatter(x, y)

The example images is as follows

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You could re-construct your list using list comprehension, without the sub-lists having nans:

importmathtest= [sub_list for sub_list in test if not any(math.isnan(x)for x in sub_list)]

If you want to delete from the test list 'in-place', you could do this:

import math

for (which, sub_list) inenumerate(test[::-1]):
    ifany(math.isnan(x) for x in sub_list):
        del test[len(test)-1-which]

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