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I Need To Call A Function Until It Returns 0 In Python

def solveMaze(win, board): mazesol.removeDeadEnds(win, board) I need to call mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board) until it returns 0. This is what the function does: This funct

Solution 1:

Is there something wrong with:

while mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board): pass


while mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board): print".",


 a = 1
 while a:
   a = mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board)
   print"Removed", a

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

fast and dirty

result= mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board)
while notresult:
  result= mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board)

Solution 4:

You could do this with an infinite while loop that breaks if 0 is returned:

    result = mazesol.removeDeadends(win,board)
    if result == 0:

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