How To Join Integers Intervals In Python?
Solution 1:
The intervals module pyinterval is used for real numbers, not for integers. If you want to use objects, you can create an integer interval class or you can also code a program to join integer intervals using the interval module:
defjoin_int_intervlas(int1, int2):
ifint(int1[-1][-1])+1 >= int(int2[-1][0]):
return interval.interval([int1[-1][0], int2[-1][-1]])
return interval.interval()
Solution 2:
I believe you can use pyintervals for integer intervals too by adding interval([-0.5, 0.5])
. With your example you get
In[40]: interval([1,8], [9,10], [11,20]) + interval([-0.5, 0.5])
Out[40]: interval([0.5, 20.5])
Solution 3:
This takes a list of tuples like l = [(25,24), (17,18), (5,9), (24,16), (10,13), (15,19), (22,25)]
# Idea by Ben Voigt in
iflen(ivs) == 0:
return []
iflen(ivs) == 1:
if ivs[0][0] > ivs[0][1]:
return [(ivs[0][1], ivs[0][0])]
return ivs
eps = []
for iv in ivs:
ivl = min(iv)
ivr = max(iv)
eps.append((ivl, False))
eps.append((ivr, True))
ret = []
level = 0
i = 0while i < len(eps)-1:
ifnot eps[i][1]:
level = level+1if level == 1:
left = eps[i][0]
if level == 1:
ifnot eps[i+1][1]
and eps[i+1][0] == eps[i][0]+1:
i = i+2continue
right = eps[i][0]
ret.append((left, right))
level = level-1
i = i+1
ret.append((left, eps[len(eps)-1][0]))
return ret
In [1]: sort_condense(l)
Out[1]: [(5, 13), (15, 25)]
The idea is outlined in Ben Voigt's answer to A container for integer intervals, such as RangeSet, for C++
Python is not my main language, sorry.
Solution 4:
I came up with the following program:
ls = [[1,8], [7,10], [15,20]]
ls2 = []
prevList = ls[0]
for lists in ls[1:]:
if lists[0] <= prevList[1]+1:
prevList = [prevList[0], lists[1]]
prevList = lists
print ls2 # prints [[1, 10], [15, 20]]
It permutes through all lists and checks if the firsy element of each list is less than or equal to the previous element + 1. If so, it clubs the two.
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