Efficient Memoization In Python
Solution 1:
The different styles of variable access have already been timed and compared at: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577834-compare-speeds-of-different-kinds-of-access-to-var Here's a quick summary: local access beats nonlocal (nested scopes) which beat global access (module scope) which beats access to builtins.
Your solution #2 (with local access) should win. Solution #3 has a slow-dotted lookup (which requires a dictionary lookup). Solution #1 uses nonlocal (nested scope) access which uses cell-variables (faster than a dict lookup but slower than locals).
Also note, the KeyError exception class is a global lookup and can be sped-up by localizing it. You could replace the try/except entirely and use a memo.get(n, sentinel)
instead. And even that could be sped-up by using a bound method. Of course, your easiest speed boost may just come from trying out pypy :-)
In short, there are many ways to tweak this code. Just make sure it's worth it.
Solution 2:
For the benefit of people who stumble on this question while looking for a way to do memoization in python, I recommend fastcache.
It works on python 2 and 3, is faster than any of the methods described above, and gives the option to limit cache size so that it does not inadvertently get too big:
from fastcache import clru_cache
@clru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False)deffoo(cat_1, cat_2, cat_3):
return cat_1 + cat_2 + cat_3
Installing fastcache is simple, using pip
pip install fastcache
or conda
conda install fastcache
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