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Pyqtgraph Change Color Of Node And Its Edges On Click

I'm working with pyqtgraph to create an interactive network of nodes and edges (initially from this question, all code needed comes from here). I'm trying to change the color of a

Solution 1:

I don't know why scatter.setPen(pens) or scatter.setBrush(brushes) is not working. As an alternative, you can use g.setData like this:

def clicked(self, scatter, pts):
    data_list =
    mypoint = [tup for tup in data_list if pts[0] in tup][0]
    mypoint_index = data_list.index(mypoint)
    mypoint_edges = [tup for tup in['adj'] if mypoint_index in tup]

    data = scatter.getData()
    newPos = np.vstack([data[0],data[1]]).transpose()
    newLines = lines.copy()
    symbolBrushs = [None] * len(data[0])
    symbolBrushs[mypoint_index] = pg.mkBrush(color=(255, 0, 0))
    for i in range(len(mypoint_edges)):
        for j in range(len(adj)):
            if np.array_equal(adj[j], mypoint_edges[i]):
        index = j
        newLines.itemset(index, (255,0,0,255,1))
    g.setData(pos=newPos, adj=adj, pen=newLines, size=1, symbol=symbols, pxMode=False, text=texts, symbolBrush=symbolBrushs)


And this is the result:

enter image description here

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