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Installing Packages For Python 3

I tend to run my code in Jupyter notebooks, and these run in python 3. I also have python 2 on my computer. I installed pip3 so I'd be able to install packages specifically for pyt

Solution 1:

I put comment as answer (after 4 years) because @user20272 suggested that it is useful.

Maybe you have few Python installed and pip3 uses different version than you expect.

First you can check versions (upper V)

pip3 -V 

python3 -V 

You may also check if you don't have also similar commands

pip3.5 -V
pip3.6 -V
pip3.7 -V

python3.5 -V 
python3.6 -V 
python3.7 -V 

Sometimes the simplest method is to use python to install it

python3 -m pip install multidict

Later you can try to clean this mess and put correct pip3.x in place of pip3.

On Linux (and probably on MacOS too) you can go to folder with pip3 and pip3.x, remove pip3 and create symbolic link using

ln -s pip3.5 pip3 

instead of copying file.

On Linux (and probably on MacOS too) you can find folder with pip using

which pip3


whereis pip3

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