How Do I Read In A Text File In Python 3.3.3 And Store It In A Variable?
How do I read in a text file in python 3.3.3 and store it in a variable? I'm struggling with this unicode coming from python 2.x
Solution 1:
Given this file:
utf-8: áèíöû
This works as you expect (IFF utf-8 is your default encoding):
withopen('/tmp/unicode.txt') as f:
It is better to explicitly state your intensions if you are unsure what the default is by using a keyword argument to open:
withopen('/tmp/unicode.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
The keyword encodings supported are in the codec module. (For Python 2, you need to use codecs open to open the file rather than Python 2's open BTW.)
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