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Content-length Is Being Stripped

I'm using webpy 0.34, python 2.6.6. I'm also using mimerender. I am trying to include the content-length in my http response, but for some reason the header is being removed. I say

Solution 1:

If the data is sent as chunked (Transfer-Encoding: chunked), then the Content-Length header must be omitted, as per RFC 2616:

  1. [snip]
  1. If a Transfer-Encoding header field (section 14.41) is present and has any value other than "identity", then the transfer-length is defined by use of the "chunked" transfer-coding (section 3.6), unless the message is terminated by closing the connection.
  1. If a Content-Length header field (section 14.13) is present, its decimal value in OCTETs represents both the entity-length and the transfer-length. The Content-Length header field MUST NOT be sent if these two lengths are different (i.e., if a Transfer-Encoding header field is present). If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding header field and a Content-Length header field, the latter MUST be ignored.

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