Checking If A Point Is In Convexhull?
I am having trouble understanding how to compute whether an n-dimensional point is within an n-dimensional ConvexHull. A very similar question (the same) was asked here: What's an
Solution 1:
It seems to be an edge case problem with the find_simplex
method of the Delaunay
object for almost flat simplex (triangle).
Here is a code to find and plot a faulty case with only 3 points:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from scipy.spatial import delaunay_plot_2d
for _ inrange(5000):
cloud = np.random.rand(3, 2)
tri = Delaunay(cloud)
if np.any( tri.find_simplex(cloud)<0 ):
print('break at', _)
id_break = np.where(tri.find_simplex(cloud)<0)
plt.plot( *cloud[id_break].ravel(), 'or' );
The other method proposed here seems to work well:
hull = ConvexHull(cloud)
def point_in_hull(point, hull, tolerance=1e-12):
return all(
([:-1], point) + eq[-1] <= tolerance)
for eq in hull.equations)
[ point_in_hull(point, hull) for point in cloud ]
# [True, True, True]
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