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Python Requests (form Filling)

This is the link to a page filling forms... where I have to enter the content in the text area (say)('hello world') and then press save, but all

Solution 1:

You need to login and post to the save url, you also need to pass the note number in the form data:

import requests

save = ""
txt = "Hello World"
login = ""

data = {"action": "login",
        "email": "",
        "password": "xxxxxx",
        "submit": ""}

# construct the POST request
with requests.session() as s: # Use a Session object., data) # Login.

    form_data = {"number": "2yrwpi",
                 "notetype": "PlainText",
                 "noteaccess": "2",
                 "notequickedit": "false",
                 "notetitle": "whatever",
                 "notecontent": txt}

    r =, data=form_data) # Save note.

r.json() will give you {"message":"Saved"} on success. Also if you want to see what notes you have, after logging in, run"").text.

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