Mapreduce How To Allow Mapper To Read An Xml File For Lookup
Solution 1:
Here is an end-to-end example that adapts the techniques mentioned in this previous question to fit your question more closely.
Python read file as stream from HDFS
This is a small Python Hadoop Streaming application that reads key-value pairs, checks the key against an XML configuration file stored in HDFS, and then emits the value only if the key matches the configuration. The matching logic is off-loaded into a separate module, which reads the XML configuration file from HDFS by using an external call to hdfs dfs -cat
First, we create a directory named pythonapp, containing the Python source files for our implementation. We'll see later when we submit the streaming job that we'll pass this directory in the -files
Why do we put the files into an intermediate directory instead of just listing each file separately in the -files
argument? That's because when YARN localizes the files for execution in containers, it introduces a layer of symlink indirection. Python then can't load the module correctly through the symlink. The solution is to package both files into the same directory. Then, when YARN localizes the files, the symlink indirection is done at the directory level instead of the individual files. Since both the main script and the module are physically in the same directory, Python will be able to load the module correctly. This question explains the issue in more detail:
How to import a custom module in a MapReduce job?
import subprocess
import sys
from Process import match
for line in sys.stdin:
key, value = line.split()
if match(key):
print value
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
hdfsCatProcess = subprocess.Popen(
['hdfs', 'dfs', '-cat', '/pythonAppConf.xml'],
pythonAppConfXmlTree = ElementTree.parse(hdfsCatProcess.stdout)
matchString = pythonAppConfXmlTree.find('./matchString').text.strip()
return key == matchString
Next, we put 2 files into HDFS. /testData is the input file, containing tab-delimited key-value pairs. /pythonAppConf.xml is the XML file, where we can configure a specific key to match.
foo 1
bar 2
baz 3
Since we have set matchString
to foo
, and since our input file contains only a single record with key set to foo
, we expect the output of running the job to be a single line containing the value corresponding to key foo
, which is 1
. Taking it for a test run, we do get the expected results.
> hadoop jar share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar \
-D mapreduce.job.reduces=0 \
-files pythonapp \
-input /testData \
-output /streamingOut \
-mapper 'python pythonapp/'
> hdfs dfs -cat /streamingOut/part*
An alternative way to do this would be to specify the HDFS file in the -files
argument. This way, YARN will pull the XML file as a localized resource to the individual nodes running the containers before the Python script launches. Then, the Python code can open the XML file as if it was a local file in the working directory. For very large jobs running multiple tasks/containers, this technique is likely to outperform calling hdfs dfs -cat
from each task.
To test this technique, we can try a different version of the module.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
pythonAppConfXmlTree = ElementTree.parse('pythonAppConf.xml')
matchString = pythonAppConfXmlTree.find('./matchString').text.strip()
return key == matchString
The command line invocation changes to specify an HDFS path in -files
, and once again, we see the expected results.
> hadoop jar share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar \
-D mapreduce.job.reduces=0 \
-files pythonapp,hdfs:///pythonAppConf.xml \
-input /testData \
-output /streamingOut \
-mapper 'python pythonapp/'
> hdfs dfs -cat /streamingOut/part*
The Apache Hadoop documentation discusses usage of the -files
option to pull HDFS files locally here.
Solution 2:
Thanks to Chris Nauroth for the answers he provided above. With this post I want to summarize exactly what it was that solved my problem.
The second answer he provided is very close to what I was originally trying to do. What I found out is that a couple of small changes were all that I needed to make it work. For example, in the script, I was previously trying to include a full path to the small lookup xml like so:
xml_file = r''
xml_file = r'/nfs_home/appers/cnielsen/product_lookups.xml'
Turns out all I needed to do was provide the name of the file in my script, without a path. For example:
xml_file = 'product_lookups.xml'
Then for the actual Hadoop command, where I was previously trying this unsuccessfully: (using -file product_lookups.xml after the -mapper listing)
> hadoop jar /share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-file /nfs_home/appers/cnielsen/ \
-file /nfs_home/appers/cnielsen/ \
-mapper '/usr/lib/python_2.7.3/bin/python ProductName' \
-file \
-file product_lookups.xml \
-reducer '/usr/lib/python_2.7.3/bin/python' \
-input /nfs_home/appers/extracts/*/*.xml \
-output /user/lcmsprod/output/cnielsen/test47
The correct way to construct the Hadoop command is to use -files and list this lookup file before any other file listings. For example, this worked:
> hadoop jar /share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-files /nfs_home/appers/cnielsen/product_lookups.xml \
-file /nfs_home/appers/cnielsen/ \
-file /nfs_home/appers/cnielsen/ \
-mapper '/usr/lib/python_2.7.3/bin/python ProductName' \
-file \
-reducer '/usr/lib/python_2.7.3/bin/python' \
-input /nfs_home/appers/extracts/*/*.xml \
-output /user/lcmsprod/output/cnielsen/test47
Note: Even though this page says to construct the -files command like so:
-files hdfs://host:fs_port/user/testfile.txt
It did not work for me if I included hdfs:// or the host: portion, as can be seen from the actual command listed above.
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