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How To Convert A "custom Class"-based Singleton Object Programmatically Into A Python Module?

I would like to convert a singleton-object programmatically into a Python module so that I can use the methods of this singleton-object directly by importing them via the module in

Solution 1:

You can use the same strategy that the standard random module uses. All the functions in that module are actually methods of a "private" instance of the Random class. That's convenient for most common uses of the module, although sometimes it's useful to create your own instances of Random so that you can have multiple independent random streams.

I've adapted your code to illustrate that technique. I named the class and its instance with a single leading underscore, since that's the usual convention in Python to signify a private name, but bear in mind it's simply a convention, Python doesn't do anything to enforce this privacy.

    """ This is my custom class """defmy_method(self):

_myclass = _MyClass()
my_method = _myclass.my_method

from mymodule import my_method




BTW, the from mymodule import method1, method2 syntax is ok if you only import a small number of names, or it's clear from the name which module it's from (like math module functions and constants), and you don't import from many modules. Otherwise it's better to use this sort of syntax

import mymodule as mm
# Call a method from the module

That way it's obvious which names are local, and which ones are imported and where they're imported from. Sure, it's a little more typing, but it makes the code a whole lot more readable. And it eliminates the possibility of name collisions.

FWIW, here's a way to automate adding all of the _myclass methods without explicitly listing them (but remember "explicit is better than implicit"). At the end of "", in place of my_method = _myclass.my_method, add this:

globals().update({k: getattr(_myclass, k) for k in _MyClass.__dict__ 
    if not k.startswith('__')})

I'm not comfortable with recommending this, since it directly injects items into the globals() dict. Note that that code will add all class attributes, not just methods.

In your question you talk about singleton objects. We don't normally use singletons in Python, and many programmers in various OOP languages consider them to be an anti-pattern. See for details. For this application there is absolutely no need at all to use a singleton. If you only want a single instance of _MyClass then simply don't create another instance of it, just use the instance that mymodule creates for you. But if your boss insists that you must use a singleton, please see the example code here.

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