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Conda - Offline Install / Update

I'm trying to offline update xlwings in Anaconda / conda. From, I downloaded the most recent package, and put it into 'C:\Program Files\Anacond

Solution 1:

First download the rellevant package-name.tar.bz2 file, (from anaconda repository)

Open command prompt, cd to apropiate directory and type

conda install package-name.tar.bz2

This should work.

Solution 2:

From my experience the process is:

  1. on a computer that is connected to the internet install the relevant packages.
  2. copy the relevant tar.bz2 files form the ~/anaconda3/pkgs folder
  3. in the offline computer run conda update name_of_packge.tar.bz2 --offline .

you may want to run conda index on the pkgs folder

update Another option is to use conda pack. This allows to transfer entire environments from online to offline.

Solution 3:

If you want to update/install a conda package you'll need to download the corresponding conda package (you downloaded the pip package) into your pkgs directory.

conda install xlwings --use-index-cache

Was working for me in the past. But the channel's index cache should have been updated at least once. It is possible that you still need the --offline flag but I've never used it. But you have to check the dependencies of the packages to be installed by yourself which can be pretty time consuming as you have to download all other packages manually.

You can find the conda packages in the channel you are using ( in my case).

If you want to install a pip package offline just use

pip install package.tar.gz

pip also comes with your anaconda distribution. If you are using conda environments, pip will be on the path of your current environment.

Solution 4:

You should use a combination of both answers.

conda install opencv --use-index-cache

to let conda check for dependencies and compatibility issues.

But keep using conda (not pip) for the installation (if you don´t have serious reasons not to stay in the initial framework) [wasn´t the reason using conda as package manager because pip couldn't´t provide you those opportunities and flexibility?]

conda install opencv-3.3.0-py36_200.tar.bz2

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