Unable To Install 'fancyimpute' In Anaconda
I'm trying to install fancyimpute in Anaconda through Anaconda Powershell Prompt but it is resulting in an error. I tried many solutions but none worked for me. I used the followin
Solution 1:
- Download and Install Microsoft Build Tools 2015 (If don't have it already)
- Download scs and cvxpy wheels for your version of Python. (For me cp36 with amd64 worked, don't know why cp37 didn't work even though my Python version is 3.7.3)
Move .whl files to the subdir for Anaconda Prompt
Run following commands
conda install ecos
conda install (scs filename).whl
conda install (cvxpy filename).whl
pip install fancyimpute
Note: If .whl runs with an error, download and try other version.
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