Sparqlwrapper Http Error 401: Unauthorized
I secured my SPARQL endpoint via SQL Accounts according to VirtSPARQLProtectSQLDigestAuthentication. Before this operation, I can get the data through the code: from SPARQLWrap
Solution 1:
Well, I found the answer just several minutes after I wrote the problem, which reminds me of RTFSC again.
line 574~581 in :
elif self.http_auth == DIGEST:
realm = "SPARQL"
pwd_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr()
pwd_mgr.add_password(realm, uri, self.user, self.passwd)
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
Besides user
and password
, there is another varible,realm
.(default value is "SPARQL"
), but VirtSPARQLProtectSQLDigestAuthentication set the realm as "SPARQL Endpoint"
So the solution is just changing your virtuoso's realm to "SPARQL"
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