How To Avoid Duplicate Legend Labels In Plotly Or Pass Custom Legend Labels
Solution 1:
Plotly controls this on the trace level. Try passing in showlegend=False
inside the Histogram
traces that you don't want to appear in the legend.
Direct copy-paste from the link above.
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
# Fill in with your personal username and API key# or, use this public demo account
py.sign_in('Python-Demo-Account', 'gwt101uhh0')
trace1 = Scatter(
x=[0, 1, 2],
y=[1, 2, 3],
name='First Trace',
trace2 = Scatter(
x=[0, 1, 2, 3],
y=[8, 4, 2, 0],
name='Second Trace',
data = Data([trace1, trace2])
plot_url = py.plot(data, filename='show-legend')
The usage you want to see is shown in trace1
Solution 2:
A better way:
Set the legendgroup
option to the legend label you want for each trace.
This will allow you to filter everything in the same group.
Hide the remaining traces' legends using the showlegend=False
This will give the exact behaviour you want.
Old Solution (Not recommended):
There is a another solution by adding "dummy" traces and hiding the data but only showing the legend. With this method you cannot slice any of the data (which is not a bad thing).
trace_dummy = Scatter(
x=[0, 0, 0], # Data is irrelevant since it won't be shown
y=[0, 0, 0],
name='Whatever Trace',
Solution 3:
This is a code snippet I came up with which avoids to set showlegend=False
manually on each trace with a duplicate name
names = set()
lambda trace:
if ( in names) else names.add(
calls the passed function for each trace. The function keeps track of which legend names already occurred (via the set names
, like @LucG proposed in a comment), and hides legend entries for duplicate (or triplicate, ...) names.
The code needs to be run after all traces have been added to the figure, and before it is show
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