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Form Is Not Validating Because Of Date Field Is Not A Valid Format

Form is not validating because of date field is not a valid format can any one help me. USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True API = 'Apache-HttpClient' ACCE

Solution 1:

When you look at a query dict (e.g. request.POST), you will see lists, because HTML forms can submit multiple values for the same key.

However, when you construct the data dictionary manually, you should use strings instead of lists.

a = {u'From': 'Bangalore', u'userid': '50', u'choice':'(4,)', u'to':'Goa', u'from_date':'2016-10-20', u'to_date':'2016-10-23'}
abc = SaveTripForm(a)

Solution 2:

Actually the Problem with the request.POST data. Form is not validating because of post data value are in LIST. For this issue we can achieve like this abc = SaveTripForm(a.dict())


python shell
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>>a = {u'From':[u'Bangalore'], u'userid':[u'50'], u'choice':[u'(4,)'], u'to':[u'Goa'], u'from_date':[u'2016-10-20'], u'to_date':[u'2016-10-23']}>>>from uprofile.forms import SaveTripForm>>>abc = SaveTripForm(a.dict())>>>abc.is_valid()

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