Python & Sql Server
Solution 1:
See pyodbc - Python Database API Specification v2.0 implementation. Works great.
Additionally you can use it with other databases. If using with SQL Server 2008, make sure you use Native Driver if you need to support new DATE
data types.
Solution 2:
See pymssql It is a DB-API module for MS Sql Server and would be the most pythonic way. The documentation includes examples.
If on a Windows OS you could also use OLEDB through COM which will not require any thing else to be installed on the client.
Also if you use Iron Python you can use the .Net APIs
Solution 3:
Also could someone provide a such code using the DB-API
how to connect to sql server from python and excute query ?
This hello world snippet pretty much shows you the common way how to connect with SQL server in Python with an DBI 2.0 database interface module.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer of pypyodbc
Solution 4:
ODBC + freetds + a python wrapper library for ODBC.
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