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Not Possible To Chain Native Asyncio Coroutines By Simply Returning Them

I've been using py3.4's generator-based coroutines and in several places I've chained them by simply having one coroutine call return inner_coroutine() (like in the example below).

Solution 1:

This is the same content as another answer, but stated in a way that I think will be easier to understand as a response to the question.

The way python determines whether something is a generator or a normal function is whether it contains a yield statement. This creates an ambiguity with @asyncio.coroutine. Whether your coroutine executes immediately or whether it waits until the caller calls next on the resulting generator object depends on whether your code actually happens to include a yield statement. The native coroutines are by design unambiguously generators even if they do not happen to include any await statements. This provides predictable behavior, but does not permit the form of chaining you are using. You can as you pointed out do

returnawait inner_coroutine()

However note that in that await syntax, the inner coroutine is called while executing the outer coroutine in the event loop. However, with the generator-based approach and no yield, the inner coroutine is constructed while actually submitting the coroutine to the event loop. In most circumstances this difference does not matter.

Solution 2:

Your old version had wrong logic and worked only due to imperfect generator-based implementation. New syntax allowed to close this feature and make asyncio more consistent.

Idea of coroutines is to work like this:

c = coro_func()     # create coroutine objectcoro_res = await c  # await this object to get result

In this example...

def outer():

...awaiting of outer()should return inner() coroutine object not this object's result. But due to imperfect implementation it awaits of inner() (like if yield from inner() was written).

In new syntax asyncio works exactly as it should: it returns coroutine object instead of it's result. And since this coroutine object was never awaited (what usually means mistake) you get this warning.

You can change your code like this to see it all clearly:

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
print('old res:', loop.run_until_complete(outer_coro()))
print('new res:', loop.run_until_complete(native_outer_coro()))

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