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Problem In Dictionary Python

I made a dictionary, then split up the values and keys into lists and now its looks like this: keys = [(4,5),(5,6),(4,8) on]. values = [('west',1),('south',1).......] Then

Solution 1:

Works for me:

>>> final = {(4,5):"West", (5,6): "East"}
>>> printfinal
{(4, 5): 'West', (5, 6): 'East'}
>>> final[(4,5)]

You might want to try final.get((4,5)).

Or post more code, maybe you do something fancy with final. If you don't get a value back, you should at least get a KeyError:

Traceback (most recent calllast):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in<module>
KeyError: (7, 8)

In this case you either have to handle the exception:

except KeyError:
    print"Key not in dict."

or use final.get((7,8), <default value>) which will return <default value> if the key is not found (or None if you don't specify a default value).

Read about dictionaries in the Python documentation.

Solution 2:

Works for me:

>>>keys=[(4,5),(5,6)]>>>values = ["west","south"]>>>f=dict(zip(keys,values))>>>f
{(4, 5): 'west', (5, 6): 'south'}

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