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Match Digits On A String With Certain Conditions In Python

I have a sequence of strings in the form s1 = 'Schblaum 12324 tunguska 24 234n' s2 = 'jacarta 331 matchika 22 234k' s3 = '3239 thingolee 80394 234k' and I need to separate those s

Solution 1:

Use re.findall

>>>import re>>>s1 = "Schblaum 12324 tunguska 24 234n">>>re.findall(r'^\S+\D*\d+|\S.*', s1)
['Schblaum 12324', 'tunguska 24 234n']
>>>s2 = "jacarta 331 matchika 22 234k">>>s3 = "3239 thingolee 80394 234k">>>re.findall(r'^\S+\D*\d+|\S.*', s2)
['jacarta 331', 'matchika 22 234k']
>>>re.findall(r'^\S+\D*\d+|\S.*', s3)
['3239 thingolee 80394', '234k']

Solution 2:

Even without regex, all you're doing is looking for the number and splitting after it. Try:

s = "Schblaum 12324 tunguska 24 234n"
words = s.split()
for idx, word in enumerate(words[1:], start=1):  # skip the first elementif word.isdigit():
before, after = ' '.join(words[:idx+1]), \
                ' '.join(words[idx+1:])

You could also use re.split to find spaces that lookbehind and see a digit, but you'll have to process afterwards since it'll split after the first one as well.

import re

s3 = "3239 thingolee 80394 234k"
result = re.split(r"(?<=\d)\s", s3, 2)  # split at most twiceiflen(result) > 2:
    before = ' '.join(result[:2])
    before = result[0]
after = result[-1]

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