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Python: Json String To List Of Dictionaries - Getting Error When Iterating

I am sending a JSON string from Objective-C to Python. Then I want to break contents of the string into a Python list. I am trying to iterate over a string (any string for now): i

Solution 1:

Your JSON data is a list of dictionaries, so after json.loads(s) you will have jdata as a list, not a dictionary.

Try something like the following:

import json

s = '[{"i":"","p":"someP@ss"},{"i":"","p":"anoterPass"}]'
jdata = json.loads(s)
for d in jdata:
    for key, value in d.iteritems():
        print key, value

Solution 2:

json.loads(s) will return you list. To iterate over it you don't need iteritems.

>>>jdata = json.loads(s)>>>for doc in jdata:...for key, value in doc.iteritems():...print key, value

Solution 3:

for python 3.6 above, there has a little difference

s = '[{"i":"","p":"someP@ss"},{"i":"","p":"anoterPass"}]'
jdata = json.loads(s)
print (jdata)
fordin jdata:
    forkey, value in d.items():
        print (key, value)

[{'i': '', 'p': 'someP@ss'}, {'i': '', 'p': 'anoterPass'}]
p someP@ss
p anoterPass

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