Importerror, Using Pytz In Google App Engine
I'm trying to use pytz in my web app to apply a timezone to a datetime object. First I tried importing pytz like this from pytz import timezone Then it raised an ImportError sayi
Solution 1:
I use gae-pytz and it works great. Looks like you might have a path problem. Is the pytz dir in the root of your app engine project? That is where it should be.
Solution 2:
Neither pytz or pytz.gae are included with the default App Engine SDK.
If you want to use the pytz.gae module, you will need to download it and copy it to your application folder.
Your import line below assumes that you have the file in a 'pytz' folder under the root folder of your appengine application source.
You can download the pytz.gae module from here:
I use it with a Python 2.7 GAE app and it works fine.
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