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How To Avoid Code Repetition And Redundancy

I am trying to simplify some code which does the following: create one empty list where to store the information scraped from one website apply a function to fill the list add the

Solution 1:

As far as I can tell from my_df, the list1 declaration should be inside fun, or you're emptying it elsewhere.

First, I would change fun to only work on one entry (not whole Series):

def fun(x):
    list1 = []
    url = "my_website"+x
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
    return list1

Then, you can do the first transformation (populating second column List1) by doing:

my_df['List1'] = my_df.Col.apply(lambda x: fun(x))

After that, you could do something like:

while scraping_to_do:
     newCol = pd.Series(list(set(my_df['List1']) - set(my_df['Col'])))
     newList1 = newCol.apply(lambda x: fun(x))
     my_df = my_df.append(pd.DataFrame(dict('Col'=newCol, 'List1'=newList1)), ignore_index=True)
     my_df = my_df.explode('List1')

You need to figure out when to stop scraping (when the set difference is the empty set?), as well as deal with the NaNs that explode produces from empty lists.

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