Recognize Text In Images Using Canny Edge Detection In Opencv
I'm trying to extract text from colored background images. One approach that I'm trying is edge detection. Using that I convert the original image to a image that I can work with.
Solution 1:
Using edge detection on this image is premature, because the edges of the character will get polluted by the edges of the background.
Here is what you can get by selecting the pixels close to white:
Interestingly, many people who post about similar problems believe edge detection to be the panacea. In my opinion it is quite often a waste and region segmentation is much more appropriate.
Solution 2:
You are at the beginning of a very long process involving concepts of computer vision and machine learning. There is too much to explain in a simple, concise answer here. However, there are a lot of good resources for doing this online (see below):
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