How To Employ Something Such As Openmp In Cython?
Solution 1:
This question is from 3 years ago and nowadays Cython has available functions that support the OpenMP backend. See for example the documentation here. One very convenient function is the prange
. This is one example of how a (rather naive) dot
function could be implemented using prange
Don't forget to compile passing the "/opemmp"
argument to the C compiler.
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
import cython
from cython.parallel import prange
ctypedefnp.double_t cDOUBLE
DOUBLE = np.float64
defmydot(np.ndarray[cDOUBLE, ndim=2] a, np.ndarray[cDOUBLE, ndim=2] b):
cdefnp.ndarray[cDOUBLE, ndim=2] c
cdefint i, M, N, K
c = np.zeros((a.shape[0], b.shape[1]), dtype=DOUBLE)
M = a.shape[0]
N = a.shape[1]
K = b.shape[1]
for i in prange(M, nogil=True):
multiply(&a[i,0], &b[0,0], &c[i,0], N, K)
return c
cdefvoid multiply(double *a, double *b, double *c, int N, int K) nogil:
cdefint j, k
for j inrange(N):
for k inrange(K):
c[k] += a[j]*b[k+j*K]
Solution 2:
If somebody stumbles over this question:
Now, there is direct support for OpenMP in cython via the cython.parallel module, see
Solution 3:
This youtube talk by Stefan Behnel, one of the core developers of Cython, will give you an amazing intro. Multithreading of a loop is at the last 30 mins (prange
section). The code is a zipped set of ipython notebooks downloadable here.
In short, write your optimized unthreaded code, optimize with Cython types, and multithread by replacing range
and releasing the GIL.
Solution 4:
According to the cython wiki, the developers have thought about a variety of options, but I don't believe they have implemented anything yet.
If your problem is embarrassingly parallel, and you already have a multi-processing solution, why not just get each worker process to call some cython code instead of python code?
Solution 5:
I've no experience with OpenMP, but you may have luck with trying zeromq (python bindings included):
easy_install pyzmq
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