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Parsing A Url In Python With Changing Part In It

I'm parsing a url in Python, below you can find a sample url and the code, what i want to do is splitting the (74743) from the url and make a for loop which will be taking it from

Solution 1:

>>> import urlparse

>>> url = ''

>>> split_url = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
>>> split_url.path

You can split the path into a list of strings using '/', slice the list, and re-join:

>>> path = split_url.path
>>> path.split('/')
['', 'wps', 'portal', 'lYuxDoIwGAYf6f9aqKSjMNQ', '']

Slice off the last two:

>>> path.split('/')[:-2]
['', 'wps', 'portal']

And re-join:

>>> '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2])

To parse the query, use parse_qs:

>>> parsed_query = urlparse.parse_qs(split_url.query)
{'PartNo': ['74743']}

To keep the empty parameters use keep_blank_values=True:

>>> query = urlparse.parse_qs(split_url.query, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> query
{'PartNo': ['74743'], 'is': [''], 'IntNumberOf': ['']}

You can then modify the query dictionary:

>>> query['PartNo'] = 85731

And update the original split_url:

>>> updated = split_url._replace(path='/'.join(base_path.split('/')[:-2] +
                                              ['ASDFZXCVQWER', '']),
                                query=urllib.urlencode(query, doseq=True))

>>> urlparse.urlunsplit(updated)

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