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Pandas Write Table To Mysql: "unable To Rollback"

I need help to get this working. I have a pd.DataFrame (df), which I need to load to a MySQL database. I don't understand what the error message means and how to fix it. Any help w

Solution 1:

When using sqlalchemy, you should pass the engine and not the raw connection:

engine = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://...")
df.to_sql('demand_forecast_t', engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)

Writing to MySQL without sqlalchemy (so with specifying flavor='mysql') is deprecated.

When the problem is that you have a too large frame to write at once, you can use the chunksize keyword (see the docstring). Eg:

df.to_sql('demand_forecast_t', engine, if_exists='replace', chunksize=10000)

Solution 2:

I was able to resolve this issue. I was trying to load a large table into MySQL and as a result of which was getting the error. A simple for-loop to upload data in chunks solved the issue ! Many thanks to everyone who replied.

Solution 3:

For me this was fixed using

MySQLdb.connect("","root","","db" )

instead of

MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","","db" )

and then

df.to_sql('df',sql_cnxn,flavor='mysql',if_exists='replace', chunksize=100)

Solution 4:

You can write pandas dataframe in mysql table using mysql flavour(with DBAPI connection) in following ways

step1: install mysqldb module - $ sudo apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev then $ pip install MySQL-python

step2: make a connection with mysql import MySQLdb con = MySQLdb.connect("hostname","username","password","databasename")

step3: write pandas dataframe in mysql table by using df.to_sql df.to_sql('TableName',con = con,flavor='mysql',if_exists='replace', chunksize=100)

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