Opening A Space(?) Delimited Text File In Python 2.7?
I have what I think is a space delimited text file that I would like to open and copy some of the data to lists (Python 2.7). This is a snippet of the data file: 0.000000
Solution 1:
One alternative is to take advantage of the built-in str.split()
a, b, c, d, e = zip(*((map(float, line.split()) for line in open('data_file.txt'))))
Solution 2:
The problem is the multiple spaces between fields (columns).
CSV stands for comma-separated values. Imagine for a second that you are using commas instead of spaces. Line 1 in your file would then look like:
So, the CSV reader sees more than 5 fields (columns) in that row.
You have two options:
- Switch to using single space separators
- Use a simple split() to deal with multiple whitespace:
listb = []
listd = []
with open('text', 'r') as file:
for row in file:
a, b, c, d, e = row.split()
P.S: Once this part is working, you will run into a problem calling int() on strings like "11.00" which aren't really integers. So I recommend using something like:
Solution 3:
import re
for line in x:
You can use this if you only want to capture integers
and not floats
Solution 4:
You can find all values you need, using regexp
import re
list_b = []
list_d = []
with open('C://data_file.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
list_line = re.findall(r"[\d.\d+']+", line)
list_b.append(float(list_line[1])) #appends second column
list_d.append(float(list_line[3])) #appends fourth column
print list_b
print list_d
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