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How Do I Scrape ::before Element In A Website Using Selenium Python

I am trying to scrape phone number from this website using selenium. I found the class to be 'tel ttel' but when I try to scrape the website by find_element_by_xpath. I get an empt

Solution 1:

You don't need selenium. The instructions to apply the content which gives the pseudo before elements their values is carried in the css style instructions:

enter image description here

Here, the 2/3 letter strings after the .icon- e.g. acb map to the span elements which house your before content. The values after \9d0 are + 1 of the actual value shown. You can create a dictionary from these pairs of values (with the adjustment) to decode the number at each before from the span class value.

Example of how 2/3 letter strings map to content:

enter image description here

My method is perhaps a little verbose as I am not that familiar with Python but the logic should be clear.

import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
res  = requests.get(url, headers  = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml')

cipherKey = str('style[type="text/css"]')[1])
keys = re.findall('-(\w+):before', cipherKey, flags=0)
values = [int(item)-1for item in re.findall('9d0(\d+)', cipherKey, flags=0)]
cipherDict = dict(zip(keys,values))
cipherDict[list(cipherDict.keys())[list(cipherDict.values()).index(10)]] = '+'
decodeElements = [item['class'][1].replace('icon-','') for item in'.telCntct span[class*="icon"]')]

telephoneNumber = ''.join([str(cipherDict.get(i)) for i in decodeElements])

Solution 2:

You can also get the :before content from the computed style:

chars = driver.execute_script("return [...document.querySelectorAll('.telCntct span')].map(span => window.getComputedStyle(span,':before').content)")

But in this case you're left with weird unicode content that you then have to map to numbers.

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